

This course is a journey within, of understanding fears, self-obstructionism, forces that oppress us and recognising the limitations of perception. We will examine the layers of fear, shame, vulnerabilities, rage that throw us into a dark hole of pain, disenchantment and self-destruction. It will help us recognising the Nafs and fears, and overcoming barriers through the doors of love, bewilderment and self-knowledge.

The purpose is to set your inner life into motion. From a wedged, broken and frightened inner life to a transcendental experience of awe and expansion. These forces within us are vistas to self-discovery, to the meaning of our life and our being. That sense of deep self-love and self-affirmation that revitalises us, an embracement of our extraordinariness to love, to heal, to truly live and reclaim our natural born freedom and autonomy.