Women Cell

In India women are given the status of a goddess. However, the problems they have to faced just show the opposite of this concept. We have come together to empower women. They must be given equal opportunity. As a part of the women empowerment club we are organizing events to educate, train and empower women.

Institution shows gender sensitivity in providing facilities such as

a) Safety and Security

b) Counseling

c) Common Room

(a) Safety and Security

Well-trained and vigilant security guards stationed across the campus.

Security checkpoints at all campus entries and exits..

Rotational duty by all faculty members for discipline and security.

The Proctorial Committee includes male and female proctors at institute as well as faculty level.

Strict implementation of Anti-Ragging, Anti-Smoking and Mobile Free Campus.

Awareness campaigns on women safety and gender sensitivity through workshops.

Separate hostels for men and women with dedicated wardens.

(b) Counseling

Formal and informal avenues for counseling male and female students and staff for academic and other issues/problems.

Class and Proctorial Committees are available for counseling of both males and females’


Grievance Redressal Committees for staff and students

Women’s rights

Human rights

Gender justice

Gender equality

Gender sensitization workshops

Faculty Placement Cells and Alumni Placement Assistance Cell

Others – Entrance Exam Counseling, Orientation Programmes


(a) Common Rooms:

In most of the Departments, common rooms have been allocated for men and women, which also facilitate meetings and discussions.

(d)Other Measures and Other Initiatives

Other measures of Gender Sensitization include –

Co-curricular activities.

Enrolment of 68% women students and 49% women staff

CMRIT has been successful in caring for its diverse students and staff population harmoniously in its efforts to steadily achieve its vision and mission. This is also evident from regular feedback from all its stakeholders.

Women cell at CMRIT is working towards women empowerment. Women cell makes constant efforts to empower women faculty and students. Women's cell also organizes several awareness programs like menstrual health and hygiene sessions, the need for positivity in pandemic times, and work-life balance sessions. Sanitary napkin dispensers are installed for the benefit of women staff and girl students. Women's cell celebrates International women's day every year. CMRIT Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee conducts talks and interactive sessions by eminent psychologists, corporate trainers, and POSH trainers with students and faculty, every semester.

CMRIT Anii-Sexual Harassment Committee conducts talks and interactive sessions by eminent psychologists, corporate trainers and POSH trainers with students and faculty, every semester. Faculty coordinators are in constant touch with the students and faculty and they work for zero unpleasant incident in the campus.

Community outreach

CMRIT provides opportunity to women from all walks of life to get trained in entrepreneurship and self–employable skills.

As part of NSS activities, free multi-specialty medical camps are organized fortnightly in neighboring villages, which help transform rural women in building awareness about health, hygiene, importance of child education and provide a launching pad to induct them into vocational skilling.