Department of Economics

University of Colorado-Boulder

Phone: 303-735-5507 

Email: Wolfgang.Keller at

Mailing Address: 

Department of Economics, University of Colorado, PO Box 256, Boulder, CO 80309USA

Joint Venture Formation and Technology Leakage in China

"International Joint Ventures and Internal Technology Transfer vs. External Technology Spillovers: Evidence from China", forthcoming, Journal of International Economics, and NBER Working Paper # 24455

with Kun Jiang (Sun-Yat Sen University), Larry Qiu (Lingnan U), and William Ridley (U Illinois)

Marriage and Social Status in China, 14th to 19th Century

"For Money, Not Love? Marriage Matching in China in the 14th to 19th Century", forthcoming, VoxChina

"Marriage Matching over Five Centuries in China", NBER Working Paper # 30625 

with Carol H. Shiue (University of Colorado-Boulder)