Perfectoid methods in algebraic geometry

In Autumn term 2022 together with Marta Benozzo we organized a study group with the aim of covering the uses of perfectoid methods in classical algebraic geometry, more specifically for the direct summand conjecture, in singularity theory and birational geometry.

Time: Thursdays 14:30-16 (British time) starting on October 13th

Place: Room 410 in Huxley Building, Imperial College London

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me ( ucahwaw(at) ) or Marta ( marta.benozzo.20(at) ).


You can find the detailed program here.

The program is tentative and may be adjusted if necessary. You can find the list of talks below. Let us know if you'd be interested in giving a talk - the speakers will be assigned after the first meeting.

  • Background and motivation - Wojtek Wawrów (Oct 13) (Recording - password t$hKi.75 - audio only because Zoom is great)

  • Introduction to adic spaces - Yuan Yang (Oct 20) (Recording - password D7rUMd%6 ) (Notes)

  • Perfectoid rings and spaces (part I) - Martin Ortiz (Oct 27) (Recording - password a?27av!d )

  • Perfectoid rings and spaces (part II) - Martin Ortiz & Wei Zhou (Nov 3) (Recording - password %K#CT#17 )

  • Big Cohen-Macaulay algebras - Wojtek Wawrów (Nov 10) (Recording - password .if05gt= ) (Notes)

  • Completing the proof of DSC - Marta Benozzo (Nov 17) (Recording - password xxDS14$A - missing first part of the talk)

  • Applications - Marta Benozzo (Dec 1) (Recording - password kteuvy4# )

  • Other directions - Martin Ortiz (Dec 8) (Recording - password 2n=XM1L$ )

Thank you to all the speakers as well as the attendees!