Lesson one: scratcing the surface of Digital Media



Students: As you begin on this journey to learning what it takes to embody the role of a positive digital citizen, it is crucial that you routinely ask yourself the following essential questions:

    1. What characterizes a positive digital citizen?
    2. What role does digital media play in my life?
    3. How does digital media positively and negatively impact my life?


You will...

    1. explore and learn about various types of digital media.
    2. reflect on your own use of digital media.
    3. recognize and understand the responsibility required that comes with digital media usage.

Learning Goals

You will...

    1. provide examples of digital media.
    2. analyze the positive and negative aspects of your own digital media habits.
    3. gain insights about fellow classmates' digital media usage, and discuss your similarities and differences.
    4. understand what social media is and how it can impact their reputation.

step one: learn

Consider the following questions as you watch the video below:

    1. Do you use any of the forms of technology displayed in the video? If so, which ones?
    2. How do you use them to communicate?

Before we go any further, it is important that you understand what characterizes something as digital media. Simply put, if we define media is as a form of communication, then digital media is using digital technology to communicate. The video you just watched does a great job of showcasing various examples of digital media that, perhaps, you use consistently in your own life. These may include: 1) using a smartphone, laptop, or tablet to send text messages or emails, 2) watching YouTube videos and commenting appropriately, 3) using a search engine -- i.e., Google -- to research information, and 4) interacting with friends and other users on social media.

Can you think of any others? List them in your digital notebook.

One extremely popular form of digital media that we will discuss throughout this course is social media. Wikipedia provides the following basic, yet thorough definition:

"Computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks."

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Now, check out the following two videos. The first discusses the digital media use of tweens (kids ages 8-12), while the second discusses the digital media use of teens -- specifically, a 13 and 16-year old.

While you watch, think about whether you can relate to any of the individuals in the videos. Does digital media ever affect your mood? Do you wake up in the morning with the urge to check your digital devices? Provide any thoughts in your digital notebook.

By now, you may be saying to yourself, "Wow, I didn't realize how many different types of digital media I use." However, as you will come to learn, with the accessibility of digital media comes much responsibility. Sometimes it is important to take a break in this hectic, digital world that we live in.

The article below outlines a 2016 survey that was conducted among parents and teenagers, finding that, contrary to what we may think, "Nearly 60 percent of teens in the U.S. have taken a break from social media, and the bulk of them even did so voluntarily" (Associated Press).

Next, read the article and as you do so, consider the following questions:

    1. Could you willingly take a break from using social media?
    2. Do you agree with the teenagers' answers to how social media makes them feel? Are there any feelings that you can think of that are not on the list?


Now that you have a solid grasp on your own digital media usage, visit our Google Classroom page, click on the topic titled, "Lesson One Discussion" and answer the questions below. Please provide thoughtful responses with evidence of your learning from the videos and article above. Additionally, make sure you write in complete sentences, using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Before you get started, thoroughly review the scoring rubric, which outlines how you will be assessed. Of note, I have also embedded it below.


    1. What would you consider to be positive aspects of using digital media?
    2. What would you consider to be negative aspects of using digital media?
    3. In your opinion, are the positive aspects more significant than the negative aspects? In other words, do the positives outweigh the negatives or vice versa? Why?
    4. What impact does social media use have on an individual's reputation?
    5. Why must one be responsible when using digital media? What consequences can it present?

Upon providing your answers, respond to at least one of your classmates. You may either agree or disagree with their response, however you must provide an explanation as to why.

Collaborative Discussion Scoring Rubric


Associated Press. (2017, May 17). Most teens check out of facebook, instagram and snapchat for a week. Newsela. Retrieved from https://newsela.com/read/teens-break-social-media/id/30004

Common Sense Education. (2014, September 9). Digital life 101 (Video). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/MkwmD6OQrWQ

Common Sense Media (2015, November 3). The common sense census: a day in teens' digital lives (Video). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/fH3YfRFBqFE

Common Sense Media (2015, November 4). The common sense census: a day in tweens' digital lives (Video). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/2PUlSS_fJ88

Social Media. (n.d.) Retrieved on February 12 from the Social Media Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media