About me

Email: wol4002@med.cornell.edu

Link: Google Scholar; GitHub

Address: 402 E 67th St, LA-245, New York, NY 10065

I am an Assistant Professor in the Biostatistics Division in the Population Health Sciences Department at Weill Cornell Medicine. Prior to joining WCM, I was a post-doctoral research fellow at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center working with Professor Michael C. Wu. I received my PhD degree in Biostatistics from Columbia University in the research groups of Professors Ying Wei and Ken Cheung. Prior to that, I received my bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Economics with minor in Information Technology (Computer Science) from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

My research interests lie in the development and application of robust and powerful quantile regression or deep learning approaches for complex structured data in biomedical research, especially -omics data (e.g., microbiome data). Here is my CV

I love music, enjoy playing piano and singing in choir. I performed as a member of Beijing Philharmonic Choir for more than 10 years and spent 4 years as an Alto in HKUST UChoir.  

Honors & Awards

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