23rd Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA22)


The WOA workshop will take place on September 1st (afternoon only) and 2nd (all day long)

1st of September (Zoom Link:https://zoom.us/j/92817713368)

13.30 - 14.00


14:00 - 14:15


14:15 - 15:20

Invited Talk: Emotional Wellbeing Technology: The DanzArTe project [Chair: Angelo Ferrando]

Antonio Camurri


Session 1: Human-agent interaction and emotions [Chair: Angelo Ferrando]

15:20 - 15:45

Emotional Behavior Trees for Empathetic Human-Automation Interaction

Stefania Costantini and Pierangelo Dell'Acqua

15:45 - 16:10

Can agents talk about what they are doing? A proposal with Jason and speech acts

Valeria Seidita, Francesco Lanza, Angelo Maria Pio Sabella and Antonio Chella

16:10 - 16:30

Coffee Break


Session 2: Symbolic knowledge injection and extraction [Chair: Valeria Seidita]

16:30 - 16.55

Towards Quality-of-Service Metrics for Symbolic Knowledge Injection

Andrea Agiollo, Andrea Rafanelli and Andrea Omicini

16:55 - 17:20

Hypercube-based methods for symbolic knowledge extraction: towards a unified model

Federico Sabbatini, Giovanni Ciatto, Roberta Calegari and Andrea Omicini

17:20 - 17:45

A view to a KILL: Knowledge Injection via Lambda Layer

Matteo Magnini, Giovanni Ciatto and Andrea Omicini


Social Dinner at "Osteria Le Colonne": please fill the participation form in by August 25th

2nd of September (Zoom Link:https://zoom.us/j/94329963656)


Session 3: Trust and autonomy in agent interactions [Chair: Stefano Tedeschi]

09:00 - 09:25

The role of decisional autonomy in User-IoT systems interaction

Rino Falcone and Alessandro Sapienza

09:25 - 09:50

Modeling Dynamic Web Polarization and Proximity Depolarization Processes by Compactness Measures

Domenico Rosaci, Simona Sacchi and Giuseppe M.L. Sarné


Session 4: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation [Chair: Stefano Tedeschi]

09:50 - 10:15

The Evolution of Risk Sensitivity in a Sustainability Game: an Agent-based Model

Francesco Bertolotti and Sabin Roman

10:15 - 10:40

Unsupervised Continual Learning From Synthetic Data Generated with Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation: A preliminary experimentation

Gianfranco Lombardo, Mattia Pellegrino and Agostino Poggi

10:40 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:25

Session 5: Emotionality and rationality [Chair: Viviana Mascardi]

11:00 - 11:25

Humans are not rational and artificial agents are not emotional

Leon Sterling and James Marshall

11:25 - 12:30

“Fabio Bellifemine” Keynote Speech: Logical English as a Computer Language for Human-Machine communication [Chair: Viviana Mascardi]

Robert Kowalski

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch Break


Session 6: Applications and projects [Chair: Giuseppe Vizzari]

14:00 - 14:25

A Multi-Agent-System framework for flooding events

Andrea Rafanelli, Stefania Costantini and Giovanni De Gasperis

14:25 - 14:50

Autonomous Critical Help provided by an Artificial Agent in the field of Cultural Heritage

Filippo Cantucci and Rino Falcone

14:50 - 15:15

Agent-based Spatial Model Coupling Using a Coordination Unit

Jean Bienvenue Dinaharison, Nicolas Marilleau, Hasina Lalaina Rakotonirainy, Nathalie Corson, Laetitia Bernard and Jean-Pierre Müller

15:15 - 15:40

The Ontology for Agents, Systems and Integration of Services: recent advancements of OASIS

Giampaolo Bella, Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi-Asmundo and Daniele Francesco Santamaria

15:40 - 16:00

Coffee Break


Session 7: Risk mitigation, robustness and security [Chair: Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè]

16:00 - 16:25

Robust Software Agents with the Jadescript Programming Language

Giuseppe Petrosino, Stefania Monica and Federico Bergenti

16:25 - 16:50

Subset Sabotage Games & Attack Graphs

Davide Catta, Jean Leneutre and Vadim Malvone

16:50 - 17:15

Accurate Colluding Agents Detection by Reputation Measures

Attilio Marcianò

17:15 - 17:30


Invited Speakers

We are happy to announce the invited talks by Prof. Antonio Camurri from the University of Genova and by Prof. Robert (Bob) Kowalski from Imperial College (to celebrate the 50th birthday of Prolog all together!)

Robert Kowalski

Title: Logical English as a Computer Language for Human-Machine communication


Logical English (LE) is a computer-executable, controlled form of English, which can be understood without any training in computing, logic or mathematics. It is inspired in part by the language of law, which can be viewed as a programming language that is executed by humans rather than by computers.

The basic form of LE is simply syntactic sugar for logic programs. I will present LE and illustrate its use for representing and executing legal rules and regulations, including the use of meta- (or higher-order) predicates to represent propositional attitudes, such as obligations, permissions, and notifications. I will also illustrate an implementation of LE on SWISH, the online version of SWI Prolog.


Robert Kowalski is Emeritus Professor at Imperial College London. His research is concerned both with developing human-oriented models of computing and computational models of human thinking. His early work in the field of automated theorem-proving contributed to the development of logic programming in the early 1970s. His later research has focused on the use of logic programming for knowledge representation and problem solving. It includes work on the event calculus, legal reasoning, abductive reasoning and argumentation. In 2011 he received the IJCAI award for Research Excellence, and in 2012 the JSPS Award for Eminent Scientists.

Antonio Camurri

Title: Emotional Wellbeing Technology: The DanzArTe project


I introduce multimodal systems supporting the active experience of audiovisual cultural content, for cultural welfare and non-verbal affective applications. Multimodal non-verbal affective as well as social computing paradigms enable active group experience of content, i.e., they enable both individuals and groups of users to mould, augment, and recreate audiovisual content by means of their full-body individual as well as joint expressive movement. I present results of projects at Casa Paganini-InfoMus in this area, and in particular DanzArTe, a treatment protocol and interactive system designed for older people at risk of fragility, grounded on the active experience and real-time processing of audiovisual cultural content. In DanzArTe, 3D visual agents inspired by the preparatory drawings in classical visual art paintings and interactive sonification agents are the main guides for the users to full-body physical activity and cognitive exercise of memory training. DanzArTe is a pilot project of Compagnia di San Paolo bank foundation and received funding from the EU H2020 FET PROACTIVE EnTimeMent project (entimement.dibris.unige.it).


Antonio Camurri is full professor in the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering at University of Genova, Italy. He is Co-Director of the New York University Summer Program hosted at Università degli Studi di Genova (4 editions: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). Coordinator of the LLP Erasmus Summer School on Sound and Music Computing. University of Genova: courses on Human Computer Interaction at the Master in Computer Engineering, and the Master in Digital Humanities. Course on Foundations on Computer Science at humanities faculty. Antonio's research interests include non-verbal multimodal interactive systems; computational models of non-verbal full-body expressive gesture, emotion, and social signals; interactive multimodal systems for performing arts, active experience of cultural content, wellness, therapy and rehabilitation. Coordinator of European funded projects in FP5, FP7 and Horizon 2020 (e.g., DANCE - http://dance.dibris.unige.it), Principal Investigator in about 20 EU- funded projects and in contracts with industry and cultural institutions, co- owner of software patents. Co-director of the Joint Resarch Laboratory ARIEL on Augmented Rehabilitation with Giannina Gaslini Children Hospital. http://www.casapaganini.org Youtube channel: http://youtube.com/InfoMusLab