About Us

Homes For The Holidays has been working hard to deliver hundreds of gift bags (and even more smiles) to facility residents in Western New York for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter since 2017.

 Each bag is filled with essentials such as shampoo, hand soap, towels, and oral care items as well as activities such as coloring books, puzzles, and word search. We focus on providing for residents who are financially burdened and/or do not get many visitors throughout the year. 

Our goal is to expand each season and make new friends with each facility we visit!

2022-2023 Season Impact


10-20 gift bags delivered to residential homes and women's safe houses in Buffalo and Western New York.


450+ bags delivered to 8-10 long term care facilities across Western New York.

Valentine's Day:

100+ bags delivered to a long term care facility that specializes in caring for adults with disabilities. 


50+ small baskets delivered to long term facilities across Western New York.

Providing Essentials

Many long term facilities do not provide residents with essentials. Those who do not get regular visitors are often in need of items we take for granted. Gift bags include towels, washcloths, oral care, soap, shampoo, socks, pajamas, etc. 

Showing We Care

Each resident is hand delivered their gift bag by a volunteer who also sits with them to have a visit and wish them Happy Holidays! 

Coming Together

We believe that the best thing you can be in this world is kind. Each year we get new volunteers and new sponsors, helping grow our community of kindness- and we always have a great time doing it!