Call for Papers


Paper submissions due: April 15, 2022

Late-breaking work submissions due: April 29, 2022 (single-blind review process)

Notification of acceptance: May 12, 2022

Camera-ready papers due: May 20, 2022

Workshop: July 15, 2022

Submission link:


We solicit papers that present new datasets, systems and methods, and evaluation methodologies for topics related to narrative understanding. These topics include but are not limited to:

  • The cognitive process of storytelling. Understanding of the science behind storytelling, and what distinguishes a successful narrative from an unsuccessful one.

  • Event-centric narrative understanding. Building structured machine-consumable representations of plots and scripts, and models of acquiring and representing commonsense knowledge.

  • Character-centric narrative understanding. Methods that focus on understanding narratives from a social perspective. Topics include identifying characters in a narratives, modeling characters as social goal-oriented agents, their interaction with other characters or the environment, their similarity with other entities, social network analysis, etc.

  • Cultural analytics. Approaches to the data-driven analysis of narrative to answer empirical research questions in the humanities, including (but not limited to) the domains of literature and folklore.

  • Evaluating narrative understanding. Methods for evaluation of narrative understanding skills via objective tasks such as reading comprehension, story QA, story-cloze etc.

  • Story generation. Systems that focus on automatic generation of coherent and meaningful stories

  • Narratives in social media. Applications of identifying and analyzing narratives in social media

  • Multimodal narratives. Methods for narrative understanding in domains that extend beyond textual data (such as images, videos and music).

Author Guidelines

Submissions should be 4 to 8 pages in length excluding references, and should be formatted using ACL guidelines.

The review process will be double-blind, and so submissions must not identify authors or their affiliations.

Authors can choose an archival or a non-archival submission by indicating their choice as a footnote on the first page of the submission (by default the submissions will be considered non-archival). Only new and unpublished work is acceptable for archival submissions. They will be published in the workshop proceedings. For non-archival submissions, previously published (or under-review) work is acceptable. A non-archival submission does not preclude publications in other venues.

Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop as posters and/or oral talks and there will be no differentiation between archived and non-archived submissions during presentations.