Ages 8-11

led by Molly Watkins


I recommend that you come to the Summer Youth Writing Workshop where you will experience a thrilling week of amazing food, wonderful people, and great writing experiences. You will also get to eat at the UMass College Dining Hall! There will be writing in all sorts of ways while learning and having fun! --Amitav D.

I recommend the SYWW to people that like to write. I loved the activities and the food. ---Livia S.

I liked the fact that people came from the Polymer Science building and did cool experiments with us. I also liked that we got to do fun games. --Grace L.

The SYWW was one of the greatest camps that I have ever been to. I really liked when we did three science experiments and went to the Durfee Conservatory. So I would recommend going to this camp. Trust me. It’s not just writing for six hours a day!!! -Desmond H.

I had a lot of fun at the SYWW. I made new friends, learned about bonsai, read stories, wrote stories, and generally had a great time. I feel like this worked for me because we did many different things.We were given time to interact with new people. I would definitely recommend this writing program to many people. ----Isabel C.

I really liked this course because it is very fun. It’s just not writing. There were many different activities, such as doing a Friends Web, science lesson, and eating buffet lunch at the dining hall. I hope next year I can come back. ----Aidan W.

I liked excursions and fun games. I also liked to eat at Berkshire Dining Hall. Silent reading is also a great part. ---Eileen L.

The SYWW is a fun weeklong camp. Our teacher Miss Molly taught us many ways to think of ideas for stories. Every day was filled with exciting excursions to the library, garden, Dufee Conservatory, or having graduate students come from the Polymer Science department and experiments with us as inspiration. I highly recommend it. ---Cynthia T.