

Big Red Pride Boosters Group accepts requests of two types: activities and individual. The request forms for each are below, please be sure to complete the correct form based on your request type.

Please remember that Big Red Pride Boosters Group does not guarantee all requests received will be filled as we try to be responsible stewards for our resources and also balance assisting and supporting our school, activities, coaches/sponsors/advisors, and students.

If you have any problems with the form(s) or have questions about what is being requested, please contact a board member of Big Red Pride Boosters Club.

Activities Request Form

This form should be used if the funds you are requesting will benefit a group or entire activity type. For example: an entire sports team, multiple sports teams, class, speech team or group of individual speech participants, etc.

Individual Request Form

This form should be used if the funds you are requesting will benefit a single individual. For example, covering the cost of a sports camp for a student.