Student-Led Conferences

Links You'll Need to Help Your Student

The order and expected content for all of the pages.Blank pages that your student is expected to have in the portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: When are the conference dates?
  • A: They are Thursday January 16th and Friday January 17th.

  • Q: What time do I come?
  • A: You arrive during your student's ELA class time. It would be extremely inconsiderate to pull a student from another class to do something for ELA if they already have had ELA for the day. Therefore, you must be on time for your conference.

  • Q: When does my child have ELA?
  • A: Check your Parent Invite Letter, which had your student's class time written on it.

  • Q: What if I can't come in for a conference?
  • A: You are expected to hold a conference at home. Your child will bring home the completed portfolio and explain its contents to you. You will leave comments and questions on all of the pages that you review. This is proof that you have actually had the conference and seen the portfolio! Afterwards, you will complete and sign the Family Comment Form and return the entire completed portfolio to school on Friday January 17th.

  • Q: I need a copy of ___. Can I have a copy?
  • A: Copies of the documents given in class are linked on the page. Look at the hyperlink above to see copies of the Portfolio pages. Print copies if you need them.

  • Q: How do I do the...
  • Quick note before I answer these questions...These instructions were given IN FULL during class, and your student should be able to explain. If not, THE FIRST THING TO DO, before sending an email, is to hold your child accountable for failing to listen to or to retain clear instructions.
    • CommonLit analysis page?
      • A: Login to and click on "My Progress". Print the page. (If you can't print, create a graph that has the data on it.) Then write an analysis of the data that's at least 7-9 sentences long.
    • Story Test analysis page?
      • A: Create a graph that compares the scores to all of the story tests that we've taken this semester. Then average the test scores. Finally, write an analysis of the data that's at least 7-9 sentences long.
    • End-of-the-Year Reflection?
      • A: Look at the Portfolio pages, linked above. The instructions are included towards the end.