
Recycling Around the School

Every Thursday, we recycle all of the paper, bottles, and cans around the school. These tasks are completed in groups and assign each group to collect either paper or bottles and cans per area of the school. 

For specifically bottles and cans, we separate them into two different bags: a bag for refundable bottles and a bag for non-refundable bottles.


Maintaining Courtyards

Recently, the courtyards around the school have been looking out of shape. So recently during the Fall and the Spring, we started to work on maintaining the courtyards around the school at each house. We want to make the courtyards look beautiful again.


Bottlecap Collection

This year, we have been collecting bottle caps from all of the bottles we have collected around the school so that we can gather enough bottle caps to make a bench made out of them. Donations for bottle caps are greatly appreciated.