
Differences in Poker Chips

With the popularity of poker growing and becoming more main stream, people are starting to play home games with their friends and family. With popularity come people looking to cash in on this new trend. This means the poker chip market has become flooded with all types of poker chips. You need to make sure you choose the right one in order to avoid disappointment.

Let's start with the different types of materials they are made out of. The most common form of any poker chips is your plastic chip that usually comes in red, white and blue. These can be found pretty much anywhere these days and will be your cheapest option. The feel and look is the worse of any option you have. They are very difficult to shuffle or do any type of chip trick with and have a very light weight. If you're strapped for cash and can't afford much else, then you will have to settle for this cheap option.

The second material used in making a chips is what's called composite or clay composite. These chips are made up of plastic and clay with a metal insert to give them some weight. This is the closest thing you can get to a real casino poker chip without spending the money needed to purchase high quality chips. These poker chips can be found at some big chain stores and generally wm คาสิโน inexpensive. You can also find them in different weights, colors and even have them personalized online.

Now let's talk about the real deal, the king of poker chips. Clay chips are what the casinos use and have are the best overall quality you can get. Contrary to their name, clay chips aren't actually made up of clay. They are made of clay and other materials to help give the chip durability and weight. A true clay poker chip will crumble quickly and is not an ideal material to make a product that will be handled and used all the time.

Clay chips are of course the most expensive option, but if you play poker and can afford them, it will be a solid purchase that will get years of use and enjoyment.

There are many different producers of clayr chips. However, one stands alone. Paulson chips are the cream of the crop and the most sought after chip among poker playing aficionados'. Paulson makes most of the poker chips you will see in casinos around the world. What's found in them remains a secret and no one knows for sure except the owners of the company. They also make chips for home use that utilizes the some of the same materials with a few minor adjustments as to not give away their secret.

Of course there will be many options of every type of poker chip to choose from. You can have them personalized with the name of your home poker club. They can be ordered in different denominations, or even purchased with your child's picture on them.

Chris Hohenstein is a professional poker player for 5 years. He has studied game through and through and is here to provide the best possible content in an easy to understand way. Visit site