WMACS 2024 YoYo

March 16, 2024  @華府華僑文教服務中心 

901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD

2024 年第18屆青少年民俗體育扯鈴觀摩賽規章

2024 18th WMACS YoYo Festival

主 旨 : 

傳承發揚中華民俗技藝,推展扯鈴藝術以提高學生對扯鈴的興趣及能力, 鍛鍊筋骨並訓練手腦協調,增進身心健康兼培養穩健台風

主 辦: 


協 辦: 


承 辦: 




日 期: 

2024 年 3 月 16 日(星期六) 1:00PM – 4:30PM 

地 點: 

華府華僑文教服務中心 901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 



組 別:

A 組: 七至九歲 (出生年: 2015–17

B 組: 十至十二歲 (出生年: 2012–14

C 組: 十三至十五歲 (出生年: 200911

D 組: 十六至十八歲 (出生年: 2006–08

隊 別: 

個人: 各校各組之報名總人數以不超過 20 人為原則。 

團體: 各校各組以不超過組為原則。 

個人+團體: 各校總場次以不超過二十為原則 如報名人數超過時間可容納的範圍,主辦單位將與各校負責人協商調整。 








3.參加者自備比賽扯鈴器材,含鈴頭、鈴棍、鈴繩、鈴軸等。如有配樂請將音樂 上傳, 並建議音樂時間能與表演時間配合。請各校領隊或指導老師在表演當日 携帶貴校所有表演音樂backup 以備萬一須要。 

4. 沒有時間 下限 (no minimum time requirement) : 

A、B 組:不可超過 1 分 15 秒 (第一信號 45 秒,第二信號 1 分)

C、D 組:不可超過 2 分 30 秒 (第一信號 2 分,第二信號 2 分 15 秒) 

5. 上台次序將於報名截止後,由大華府地區中文學校聯誼會總幹事抽籤並公佈。 

6.請每校各支援兩位家長,其中一員為裁判於比賽當日下午 1:00 至僑教中心報到,另一員於下午 12:30 至僑教中心協助現場設置或其他服務。 



12:00 pm 主辦學校到達會場

1:00 pm 報到、領取名牌 

1:00 pm 領隊、評審、記時員會議 


1:15 pm 開幕典禮

1:30 pm 開始觀摩 

個人組 團體組: A、B、C、D 組

4:00 pm 講評及頒獎


獎 勵:

1. 凡參加同學均可獲得精美實用紀念品,以資鼓勵。 

2. 獲獎者可獲得獎狀一紙,並於本地華文媒體上刊載名單。 


1. 請於 2024 3 月 1 日前完成報名手續:  

▪ 請複製 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V5lZkL85aXU14JawN7Vu9zhOq5EE8kmHdVRS7LhqyWg/edit?usp=drive_link

然後按今年報名隊員的資料修正後, 將報名表分享到下列地址: wmacsyoyo@gmail.com 

▪ 請於 2024 年 3 月 8之前,將比賽用音樂檔案, <SchoolName_Solo_A_FirstName_LastName.mp3> or <SchoolName_Group_B_FirstName1_FirstName2.mp3>,分享到同一電郵地址 

▪ 恕不接受逾期或臨時報名 

▪ 學生中、英文姓名請確實檢査報名資料,獎狀將按報名資料印製,重印將收 工本費$5。

2. 報名費 

▪ 本會會員學校之學生,每人$20 

▪ 非本會會員學校之學生,每人$25 

▪ 報名費恕不退還 

▪ 將報名費(支票抬頭請寫 WMACS)於 2024 年 3 月 1之前寄至下列地址: 

Tina Liu

c/o WMACS 

14406 Sylvan Glade Dr.

North Potomac, MD 20878

3. 報名聯絡電郵: wmacsyoyo@gmail.com

*注意事項: 主辦單位為了預訂獎品,希望各校於 2024224前,先將報名總人數電郵至 報名聯絡電郵


English Version

[Translated by Google Translate]

Registration and Competition Information for the 2024, 18th WMACS YoYo Festival


Inherit and promote the traditional Chinese folk art of YoYo Stimulate students' interest in YoYo and elevate their skills.  Strengthen their muscles and bones , improve hand-eye coordination, and enhance physical and mental health while maintaining composure on stage. 


Washington Metropolitan Association of Chinese Schools


Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), Gaithersburg, MD.


The Li-Ming Chinese Academy

Chinese School of Delaware




March 16, 2024 (Saturday) 1:00PM – 4:30PM


Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 

901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20878


Students and teaching assistants between the ages of seven and eighteen


Individuals or Teams from each school:



1. The registration group of the participants is based on the year of birth. If there is any false information, the participation will be disqualified.

2. The gender of each group of participants is not limited, and a mixed team of men and women can be formed.

3. Participants bring their own yoyo equipment, including yoyo, sticks, strings, etc. If there is a soundtrack, please upload the music, and  the music length must match the performance time.

4. There is no minimum length of time.

5. The order of standing will be drawn and announced by the Director General of the Greater Washington Area Chinese School Association after the registration deadline.

6. Please support two parents from each school. One of them will be the referee and report to the Overseas Chinese Education Center at 1:00 pm on the day of the competition, and the other will be at the Overseas Chinese Education Center at 12:30 pm to assist with on-site setup or other services.

7. All participating units are requested to handle relevant safety insurance matters on their own, and the Association will not do so.


1. All participating students can get exquisite and practical souvenirs to encourage them.

2. Winners will receive a certificate of merit, and the list will be published on the local Chinese media.


1. Please complete the registration procedure before March 1, 2024。

▪ Please copy https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V5lZkL85aXU14JawN7Vu9zhOq5EE8kmHdVRS7LhqyWg/edit?usp=drive_link  and share the registration form to the following address after correcting the information of this year's registered players: wmacsyoyo@gmail.com

▪ Please share the competition music file, SchoolName_Solo_A_FirstName_LastName.mp3 or SchoolName_Group_B_FirstName1_FirstName2.mp3, to the same email address above before March 8, 2024.

▪ Late or provisional registrations will not be accepted

▪ Please check the application materials for students' names in Chinese and English. The certificate will be printed according to the application materials, and the reprint will be charged a fee of $5.

2. Registration fee

▪ Students from our member schools, $20 per person

▪ Students from non-member schools, $25 per person

▪ Registration fee is non-refundable

▪ Mail the registration fee (check payable to WMACS) by March 1, 2024 to the following address:

Tina Liu

c/o WMACS 

14406 Sylvan Glade Dr.

North Potomac, MD 20878

3. Registration email: wmacsyoyo@gmail.com

*Notes: In order to reserve the prizes, the organizer hopes that schools will email the total number of applicants by  February 24, 2024

so that the organizer can decide how many prizes to order!

Important Dates:

2024/2/24 School to notify WMACS of number of participating students

2024/3/1 Registration and fee submission deadline

2024/3/8 Music to be submitted to the designated email address

Performing Order:

2024/3/16  @ 901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

12:00 pm Event staff check in

1:00 pm Check in and get the name tag

1:00 pm Team leader, judge, timekeeper meeting

Lead judge explain rules and signals

1:15 pm Opening ceremony and guest speakers

1:30 pm Performance Starts

3:30 pm Performance Ends

4:00 pm Award Ceremony