
The following participants wanted to be listed on the homepage: 

The following people registered and wanted to be listed on the homepage.  Updated 30.12.2023

Hazal Babur (Middle East Technical University)

Ramin Barati 

Osman Gazi Birgül (Manisa Celal Bayar University)

Joaquin Castro 

Abal Praveen Chhikara (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

André Coggiola (University of São Paulo) 

Baoyu Dai (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)

Carlos E. Freites (Mathdialog)

Laura Gamboa Guzman (Iowa State University)

Friedrich Wilhelm Grafe (independent philosophical research)

Azem Leila

Marcelo Lynch 

Concha Martinez-Vidal (University of Santiago de Compostela)

Pramod Mishra (Banaras Hindu University (India))

Kevin Purkhauser (University of Vienna)

Vladimir Reznikov (Institute philosophy and law)

Pablo Rivas (ILLC)

Henrik Kragh Sørensen (University of Copenhagen) 

Kathryn Spiers

Luis Urtubey (Universidad Nacional de Córdiba (Argentina))

Huub Vromen (Radboud University)

Dilek Yargan (Institute of Philosophy, University of Rostock)

Seibin Yoo

Emils Zavelis (LMU)

17 people chose not to be listed here.