Come join us for our 2024 season!

WIYC accepts checks, chamber checks or

Venmo: @WIY-Camp 

*Please note camper(s) name and week(s) you are paying for. Thank You!

We are very excited to offer 8 weeks of camp for summer 2024! 

All 8 weeks will be day camps with 2 of those weeks offering overnight camp!

Safety is Important at Camp

We have a 1 to 8 ratio for campers to counselors

Waterfront training and certified lifeguards 

Any other safety concerns email us at

 "Camp Courage" is continuing the last full week of July and weddings and events scheduled through "Hamilton’s at the Lake" are happening.  

Messages left on the camp phone (217-673-3771) are checked every Monday and Friday, and will be answered promptly. Please email for a quicker response.  In the mean time, please continue to exercise good judgement, stay safe and well, and check this page, facebook, and our website for updates and announcements.