Workshop on Intelligent Transportation Systems (WITS 2018)

colocated with the International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2018)

1st November 2018, at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Bogotá, Colombia

**NOTE: CFP is closed**

Send your papers through this EasyChair link

Over the next 15 years, 65% of the global population will be living in cities. Nowadays, cities are not only living spaces but also engines of innovation, prosperity and economic growth. Diverse initiatives have been focusing on monitoring and integrating the diverse transportations means, models for infrastructure maintenance and security while maximizing services to its citizens. In all these initiatives, the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are becoming a fundamental component.


This workshop aims to bring together researchers and experts, to present and discuss current implementations of intelligent transportation systems, analyze the challenges that must be overcomed in these solutions and propose new approaches that can be applied in future projects.

Topics of interest

The workshop invites original papers that make contributions to modelling, control and implementation of intelligent transportation systems. We welcome papers involving any combination of theory, analytical modeling and optimization, numerical simulations, real-world data-driven approaches, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies. Studies involving economic, behavioral and environmental aspects are equally welcome.

Domains of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Modelling, control and simulation of traffic for ITS
  • Modelling and Analysis of emissions, noise and the impact of transportation into the environment
  • Analysis of human factors and human behavior in transportation systems
  • Management of Multi-modal and public transportation
  • Management and mitigation of emergencies and accidents
  • Applications of sensors and Big data to ITS
  • Design and evaluation of machine learning models applied to ITS
  • Project definition and economical considerations for ITS field testing and deployment

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must be written in English according to to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines.
  • Papers should comprise four to six (4 to 6) pages in standard IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables and references.
  • All the papers must be electronically submitted by Easychair.
  • All submissions will be reviewed by three (3) experts.
  • Workshop papers will be published by IEEE and will be accessible through IEEE Xplore

Important Deadlines

  • Paper Submission: 24th August 2018 -- 2nd September 2018
  • Paper Notification: 10th September 2018 -- 14th September 2018
  • Camera Ready Submission: 24th September 2018 -- 11th October 2018
  • Workshop Date: 1st November 2018

Scientific Committee

  • Klaus Banse (ITS Colombia)
  • William Gouse (International Society of Automotive Engineers - SAE)
  • George Proeller (University of Colorado)
  • Miroslav Sviteck (Czech Technical University in Prague)
  • Ondřej Přibyl (Czech Technical University in Prague)
  • Jose Javier Samper Zapater (Universidad de Valencia, España)
  • Jelkin Z. Carrillo Franco (Ministerio de Transporte de Colombia)
  • Mateo Loaiza (Ministerio de Transporte de Colombia)
  • Gerzon Carrillo (Transmilenio)
  • Eduardo Carrillo (Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga)
  • Walid David Jalil-Naser (ITS Expert Consultant)
  • Carlos Andres Lozano Garzon (Universidad de los Andes)
  • Jose Felix Vega (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
  • Angie Melo (Universidad Minuto de Colombia)
  • Felipe Restrepo Calle (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
  • Yeimmy Cañón (Accenture)
  • Julian Vea Alfonso (Universidad de los Andes)
  • Juan Carlos Navarro Beltrán (Universidad Piloto de Colombia)


  • Luis Felipe Herrera, Universidad Piloto de Colombia
  • Jaime Chavarriaga, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Dipl.-Ing. AOR Manfred Wacker, Universidad de Stuttgart, Alemania
  • Prof. Diego Bermudez , Universidad Piloto de Colombia


Authors and attendees must register into the ICAI registration page.

    • Fees: Authors: 250 USD / Attendees (for ICAI Conference and Workshops): 100 USD

NOTE: Registered people can attend to the WITS workshop and the other sessions and workshops in the ICAI Conference.


All questions about submissions may be emailed to