War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition: Updated Official Map

This is an updated version of the official map that is provided with the game. It includes a few very minor updates that won't affect gameplay in any significant way, but do fix a small number of minor errors on the official map and in the map data. This updated version of the map is compatible with the official scenarios.

In addition to the two versions of the map (with differing map art, see below), there is also a separate map data file (pwhexe.dat) which includes stacking limits for land units in all land and coastal hexes. These stacking limits vary, and are dependent on terrain and the presence, or not, of communications links (roads and railways). To use this version of the map data with stacking limits included, you need to download one of the two map file sets as well as the stand-alone map data file. See below for further details.

Note: This map is compatible with the official scenarios. Also, if playing vs. another player, both players must use the same map and map data to avoid in-game anomalies.

World in Flames style hexes example


This is an updated version of the official map that is provided with the game. It includes a few very minor updates that won't affect gameplay in any significant way, but do fix a small number of minor errors on the official map and in the map data.

There are two versions of this map available:

  1. A version with hexsides drawn in the same style as on the original game map (the 'with hexes' version):
    Updated official WitP-AE map with standard hexsides (92.5 MB) Map data version: 2022-02-04

  2. A version with 'World in Flames' style hexdots for all sea hexes instead of hexsides, giving a less cluttered look to ocean areas. An example of this map style is shown on the left:
    Updated officla WitP-AE map with WiF style hexdots (101 MB). Map data version 2022-02-04

  3. A map data file (pwhexe.dat) for this version of the official map, but which includes stacking limits for land units in all land and coastal hexes (terrain dependent).:
    Map data file for official map with stacking limits (69 KB). Map data version 2022-02-04
    This is the map data file only and you will need an updated version of the official map (above) as well. See below for installation instructions.

For all available downloads, see the All Files page.

Map Changes

This update includes the following fixes and changes to the map art and map data:

  • The terrain art in hexes 80,13, 81,14 and 81,15 changed from Clear to Forest+Rough so that the map art matches the existing map data.

  • The main road between hexes 94,163 and 91,161 (Gwydir Highway) in Northern NSW has been corrected.

  • Some of the terrain in Northern Australia has been changed to increase map accuracy and reduce the large expanses of clear terrain:

    • Hexes 72,127 and 72,128 changed to Rough

    • Hexes 73,127 and 74,127 changed to Rough

    • Hex 70,129 changed to Rough

    • Hexes 77,127, 77,128 and 78,128 changed to Rough

    • Hexes 78,127, 79,127, 79,128 and 81,128 changed to Jungle+Rough

    • Hexes 81,135, 81,136, 82,136 and 81,137 changed to Rough

    • Hexes 83,141, 83,142 and 83,143 changed to Rough

    • Hex 76,128 (Katherine) changed to Cultivated

    • Hex 86,147 (Winton) changed to Cultivated

    • Hexes 91,146 and 91,149 changed to Cultivated

  • The map text for the base ‘Anking’ shifted a little so that the road underneath it is not obscured.

  • Ocean hex 71,67, in the South China Sea, has been changed from deep ocean to shallow ocean. This is the location of the Paracel Islands (which were occupied by the Japanese during the war). I have not placed an island in this hex, however, as there will not be a matching base in the official scenarios.

  • The map data for the Skeene River between Prince Rupert and Terrace now matches the map art.

  • The map data for the road from Prince George (hex 204,40) to Terrace (hex 200,41) now matches the map art (primary road all of the way).

  • The one hex long stub of road leading north from Fort St. John in Canada (hex 203,34) has been removed. This was part of the ALCAN Highway which was not constructed until after the start of the Pacific War.

  • The roads to the hex locations of the Canadian towns of Hay River (hex 201,24) and Yellowknife (hex 199,21) have been removed. Apparently these were ‘winter roads’ and construction of proper roads only started at the end of WW2.

  • Most of the roads between Edmonton (hex 210,35) and Fort St. John (hex 203,34) have been downgraded from Primary to Secondary roads.

  • The Richardson Highway between Valdez and Fairbanks in Alaska has been downgraded from a Main to a Secondary road.

  • The one-hex long portion of the Glenn Highway that existed between Anchorage and Palmer (hex 181,35) at the start of the Pacific war has been added as a Secondary road.

  • The hexsides of hex 211,22 have been modified to match the map art (changed W and SW hexsides to Land).

  • The island of Kalao in the DEI (66,110) has had its map data corrected so that amphibious assaults of the island are now allowed.

  • Hex 84,110 has been changed from a land hex to a coastal hex to match the map art.

  • The rail line on Shikoku Japan, between Takamatsu (hex 107,59) and hex 107,60 has been removed.

  • A minor railway line has been added connecting the railway in hex 106,59 and Kochi (hex 106,60).

  • The data for the secondary road between Takamatsu (hex 107,59) and Kochi (hex 106,60) has been corrected.

  • A phantom river hexside has been removed from the hexside between hexes 75,128 and hex 74,127 in Australia.

  • A phantom river hexside has been removed from the hexside between hexes 211,26 and hex 210,27 in Canada.

  • River hexside data added for the hexside between hexes 90,114 and 89,113 in Dutch New Guinea.

  • Mildura (hex 80,164) is now connected by railway to hex 79,165.

  • Canberra (hex 87,169) is now connected by railway to hex 88,168.

  • The map data for the road leading west from Kendari has been added in hex 70,106 to match the map art.

  • Phantom river hexsides removed from the E and SE sides of hex 62,55 (near Luangprabang).

See the Map_Install_Readme.txt file included in the zip file for instructions for installing this map update.

Map Data File with Stacking Limits

The alternative official map data file with stacking limits includes stacking limits for all land and coastal hexes. These are in addition to the built-in stacking limits that apply to the small islands in the game.

This is an optional map data file for the official map.

The stacking limits used for this version of the map data files are the ones that were developed for the map by the 'Da Babes' scenario team.

To use this map data file:

  1. Download one of the two versions of the updated official map using the links above.

  2. Install the updated map using the instructions included in the Map_Install_Readme.txt file.

  3. Download the map data file with stacking limits.

  4. Copy the map data file with stacking limits into the main AE game folder, overwriting the map data file already there (pwhexe.dat).

  5. Restart the game to have it pick up the new map data.