Women+ International in Theoretical Physics

What is WIThPhys?

We are an international, online community for women and gender minorities in theoretical physics and closely-related fields. We emphasize intersectional inclusivity, welcome all gender minorities, and affirm that trans women are women. If you are wondering whether this community is for you, it is. Welcome!

Mission statement:

We seek to build a community for socializing, mutual support, and professional development. This is a safe space for sharing experiences of all kinds, seeking advice, comfort, or simply an understanding ear. On this platform we can all share events, opportunities, and other resources. We can also coordinate meet-ups, both online and in person. The atmosphere is intended to be relaxed and informal, a friendly environment. Enjoy!


  • Community building

  • Mutual support

  • Intersectional inclusivity

  • Respect

  • Personal growth

Code of conduct:

  • Uplift each other.

  • Be respectful and open to different perspectives and new ideas.

  • Elevate underrepresented voices.

  • Be vigilant for internalized biases in ourselves and others.

  • Respect and validate everyone’s experiences.

  • This is an international community. Be considerate of language barriers and cultural differences. Be patient.

  • Give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

  • Don’t abuse the benefit of the doubt.

  • Don’t burden underrepresented members with educating you about their demographic. Instead, please look up existing resources created by people in that demographic. We encourage you to share useful links and resources in the resources channel! (Discussions of privilege and differences in life experiences are encouraged, just be mindful of everyone's time, energy and boundaries.)

  • In case of disagreements:

    1. Communicate clearly with each other, with compassion.

    2. Alert the moderators if the issue persists. (We do not have the resources to monitor all communications.)

    3. The moderators reserve the right to temporarily or permanently suspend membership, in cases of misconduct.

Joining WIThPhys:

To join our discord server, please contact the moderators at WIThPhysModerators(at)gmail(dot)com. We ask that you contact us from an institutional email if possible, so that we can verify your identity. If you are currently not affiliated with an institute, you can contact us from another email and we can find an alternative method of verification.


WIThPhys Moderators:

Källan Berglund (pronouns she/her)

Linnéa Gräns-Samuelsson (pronouns she/her)

Giulia Isabella (pronouns she/her)