Witchtok, Baby witch spells, Sorcieres Tiktok

Witchtok, Baby witch spells, Sorcieres Tiktok

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Welcome witches in english

💋🧙‍♀Brujeria Brighid Welcome DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, Link:

💋🧙‍♀Brighid Landingpage Welcome DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, Link:

Hexen-Musikvideo, Witches Music Video, 

Clip vidéo des Sorcières, Video musicale delle Streghe,

Vídeo musical de Brujas.

DE-Hexen reiten auf den Hexenbesen durch die Vollmondnacht, 

Brighids Hexen Liebeszauber, Hexen-Musikvideo.



EN-Witch Brighid flies through the full moon night, 

Magic of Brighid Spells, Witchtok, Witches Music Video.


FR-La Sorcière Brighid survole la nuit de pleine lune, 

Magic of Brighid Spells, Clip vidéo des Sorcières.


IT-La magia della Stregoneria di Brighid vola attraverso 

la notte di luna piena, Magic of Brighid, Video musicale delle Streghe.


ES-Magia de la Bruja Brigid A través de la noche de luna llena, 

Magic of Brighid spells, Vídeo musical de Brujas.


De-Halloween Gothic Musik, Samhain Music, Halloween Animation, Samhain Ritual Anleitung, Witch Tok💋🧙‍♀


Fr-Musique gothique d'Halloween, musique Samhain, animation d'Halloween, soirée rituelle Samhain, Witch Tok💋🧙‍♀


IT-Musica gotica di Halloween, musica di Samhain, animazione di Halloween, notte rituale di Samhain, Witch Tok💋🧙‍♀


Witchcraft today "Magic of Brighid" Link:

Witches love spells natural "Magic of Brighid" Link:

"Magic of Brighid" Patreon Link:

Sorciere, Strega, Brujería, Brujas, Bruxa, 

Hexen, Noita, Czarownice, Voodoo, Link:

Gravatar "Magic of Brighid" Link:

Sorciere, Strega, Brujería, Brujas, Bruxa, Hexen, Noita, Czarownice
EN Welcome Witches Sisters English8.mp4

DE-Die 13 Hexen Vollmonde Baby Witch tips

EN-The 13 Witches Full Moons Baby Witch tips

FR-Les 13 sorcières Full Moons Conseils pour bébés sorcières

IT-I 13 consigli per le streghe delle 13 lune piene delle streghe

ES-Las 13 brujas Lunas llenas Consejos de brujas para bebés Link:

DE-Willkommen Neu Kunden Login

und Produkt Informationen in 5 Sprachen.

EN-Welcome new customer login

and product information in 5 languages

FR-Bienvenue aux nouveaux clients connectés

et informations sur les produits en 5 langues

IT-Benvenuto al nuovo accesso cliente

e informazioni sul prodotto in 5 lingue

ES-Bienvenido nuevo cliente inicio de sesión

e información del producto en 5 idiomas.

DE-, EN, FR, IT, ES. PDF Link:

#Witchtok,  #Baby witch spells,  #Sorcieres Tiktok, 

#Strega,  #Brujas Tiktok,  #Hexenrituale Link:

Best love spells that work Natural Eternal, 

Come to me Spells Sprays Oils with Glass Candles Link:

PDF 2021 Hexenkalender, Witches Calendar, 

Sorcières Calendrier, Streghe Calendario Link: 

Willkommen DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, Hexenrituale, Modern witchtok today, Brujera, Strega, Sorciere Video

Bienvenido a Brighid. 

Enlace de información del servicio especial 

para nuevos clientes españoles 

Magia de aceites mágicos naturales de 

Magic of Brighid  Link:

DE-Alle Produkte von Magic of Brighid mit Anleitung PDF Link:

EN-All Magic of Brighid products with instructions PDF Link:

FR-Tous les produits de Magic of Brighid avec des liens d'instructions PDF Lien:

IT-Tutti i prodotti da Magic of Brighid con collegamenti istruzioni PDF Link:

DE-Hexen Jahreskreisrituale,

Celtic Wheel of the Year Rituals Wiccan PDF Info Link:

DE-Free Witchtok Brighid Love spell Video Tutorial

Brighid Video Instruction PDF Info Link: 

EN-Celtic Wheel of the Year Rituals Wiccan PDF Info Link:

EN-Free WitchTok Brighid Love spell Video Tutorial

Brighid Video Instruction PDF Info Link: 

FR-Roue celtique de l'année Rituels Wiccan PDF Info Lien : Link:

FR-Tutoriel vidéo gratuit sur le sort WitchTok

Brighid Love Brighid Video Instruction PDF Info Link: 

IT-Rituali della ruota celtica dell'anno Wiccan Link informativo PDF: Link:

IT-WitchTok Brighid Love incantesimo Video Tutorial

Brighid Video Istruzioni PDF Info Link: 

ES-Rueda celta del año Rituales Wicca Información en PDF Enlace: Link:

ES-WitchTok Brighid Hechizo de amor Video Tutorial Gratis Instrucción en video

de Brighid Enlace de información en PDF: Link:

IT-Vieni da me incantesimi d'amore, 

Istruzioni di stregoneria in italiano, 

Witchtok Magic of Brighid Video


DE-TikTok ist die Heimat der modernen Hexerei geworden.

In Zeiten von Unsicherheit, Verwirrung 

interessieren sich jüngere Generationen erneut für die Wurzeln 

der Uhr Religion unserer Vorfahren.

In den letzten fünf Jahren gab es einen deutlichen Anstieg

bei denjenigen, die bei Google nach „Hexen Coven“ suchten

und die Subkultur von Menschen,

die sich als Hexen identifizieren, nimmt zu.

Was ist Baby Witch ? (Junghexen)

und warum sorgen sie für Aufsehen?

Baby Witch sind jüngere, unerfahrene Hexen.

Sie verwenden TikTok, um Tipps, Tricks

und Tutorials zum Ausführen von Zaubersprüchen auszutauschen.

Unter dem Hashtag #WitchTok finden Sie alles,

was Sie mit Hexen in Verbindung bringen können, von Menschen,

die ihre Ex-Freunde verfluchen, die Windgötter herbeirufen,

Glückszauber bis hin zu Tarot-Lesungen in Live-Streams .

Welcome to Magic of Brighid. Tiktok/witchcircle


More Infomation Blog Link:

EN-TikTok has become the home of modern day witchcraft.

In times of uncertainty and confusion

younger generations are interested in the roots again

the watch religion of our ancestors.

There has been a significant increase in the past five years

among those who searched Google for “Witches Coven”

and the subculture of people

who identify as witches is increasing.

What is baby witch? (Young witches)

and why are they causing a stir?

Baby Witch are younger, inexperienced witches.

You use TikTok to find tips, tricks

and exchange tutorials on how to cast spells.

You can find everything under the hashtag #WitchTok

what you can associate with witches, of people,

who curse their ex-boyfriends, summon the wind gods,

Lucky spells to tarot readings in live streams.

Welcome to Magic of Brighid. Tiktok/witchcircle


More Infomation Blog Link:

FR-TikTok est devenu le berceau de la sorcellerie moderne.

En période d'incertitude et de confusion

les jeunes générations s'intéressent à nouveau aux racines

la religion de garde de nos ancêtres.

Il y a eu une augmentation significative au cours des cinq dernières années

parmi ceux qui ont recherché "Witches Coven" sur Google

et la sous-culture des gens

qui s'identifient comme des sorcières augmente.

Qu'est-ce que la petite sorcière? (Jeunes sorcières)

et pourquoi font-ils sensation?

Baby Witch sont des sorcières plus jeunes et inexpérimentées.

Vous utilisez TikTok pour trouver des trucs, astuces

et échangez des tutoriels sur la façon de lancer des sorts.

Vous pouvez tout trouver sous le hashtag #WitchTok

ce que vous pouvez associer aux sorcières, aux gens,

qui maudissent leurs ex-petits amis, invoquent les dieux du vent,

Sorts chanceux pour les lectures de tarot dans les flux en direct.

Welcome to Magic of Brighid. Tiktok/witchcircle


More Infomation Blog Link:

IT-TikTok è diventata la patria della stregoneria moderna.

In tempi di incertezza e confusione

le generazioni più giovani sono di nuovo interessate alle radici

la religione dell'orologio dei nostri antenati.

C'è stato un aumento significativo negli ultimi cinque anni

tra coloro che hanno cercato su Google "Witches Coven"

e la sottocultura delle persone

che si identificano come streghe è in aumento.

Cos'è la piccola strega? (Giovani streghe)

e perché provocano scalpore?

Baby Witch sono streghe più giovani e inesperte.

Usi TikTok per trovare suggerimenti, trucchi

e scambia tutorial su come lanciare incantesimi.

Puoi trovare tutto sotto l'hashtag #WitchTok

cosa puoi associare alle streghe, alle persone,

che maledicono i loro ex fidanzati, evocano gli dei del vento,

Incantesimi fortunati per letture dei tarocchi in live streaming.

Welcome to Magic of Brighid. Tiktok/witchcircle


More Infomation Blog Link:

ES-TikTok se ha convertido en la cuna de la brujería moderna.

En tiempos de incertidumbre y confusión

las generaciones más jóvenes vuelven a interesarse por las raíces

la religión guardiana de nuestros antepasados.

Ha habido un aumento significativo en los últimos cinco años

entre los que buscaron "Aquelarre de brujas" en Google

y la subcultura de la gente

que se identifican como brujas va en aumento.

¿Qué es la pequeña bruja? (Brujas jóvenes)

y ¿por qué están causando sensación?

Baby Witch son brujas más jóvenes e inexpertas.

Usas TikTok para encontrar consejos, trucos

e intercambiar tutoriales sobre cómo lanzar hechizos.

Puedes encontrar todo bajo el hashtag #WitchTok

lo que puedes asociar con brujas, personas,

que maldicen a sus ex novios, invocan a los dioses del viento,

Hechizos de la suerte para lecturas de tarot en transmisiones en vivo.

Bienvenido a la Magia de Brighid. tiktok/círculo de brujas


Más información Enlace del blog:  Link:

DE-Magic of Brigid Deutsch Anleitungen Playlist Witch Circle Link:

DE-Hexenzauber Infos. Playlist Brighid Link:

EN-Magic of Brighid English Instructions Playlist Witch Circle Link:

EN-English Brighid Spells. Playlist Brighid Link:

FR-Magic of Brighid en France Instructions Playlist Witch Circle Lien:

FR-Francais sorcellerie. Playlist Brighid Lien:

IT-Italiano candele istruzioni magiche. Playlist Brighid Link:

IT-Italiano Strega. Playlist Brighid Link:

IT-Magic of Brighid Istruzioni italia Playlist Witch Circle Link:

Witchtok, Baby Witch Spells, Wiccan beginners Playlist


Witchtok, Baby Witch Spells, Instagram Influencer Playlist


New Page Distributors Händlerliste Link:

Welcome New Dealer Distributor,

EN-Esoteric wholesale welcome english Link:

FR-Vente en gros ésotérique Bienvenue en français Lien:

IT-Benvenuto all'ingrosso esoterico italiano Link:

N-Esoterisk engros Velkommen norsk Link:

S-Esoterisk grossist Välkommen till svenska Link:

FIN-Esoterisk grossist Välkommen till Suomalainen finska Link:

E-Al por mayor esotérico Bienvenido al español Link:

DE-Esoterik Großhandel Willkommen Deutsch Link:

DE-Hexenritual Kerzen Sorcieres Strega Brujas spells Sets Video

Wheel of the Year Candle Solstice Wiccan Videos

Santeria Cuba Voodoo Love spells Playlist Videos 



DE-Santeria High John Wurzel, Samen, Salze, 

Gold Magnetsand verwendung im Saneria. Link:

EN-Santeria High John root, seeds, salts, 

gold magnetic sand use in the Saneria. Link:

FR-Santeria High John racine, graines, sels, 

utilisation du sable magnétique d'or dans la Saneria. Lien:

IT-Santeria High John root, semi, sali, 

sabbia magnetica dorata da utilizzare nella Saneria. Link:

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RU-Instruction Magic of Brighid Link:

DE-Anleitung für die Anderswelt-Orisha-Produkte Link:

EN-Instructions for the Anderswelt-Import.eu Orisha products Link:

FR-Instructions pour Anderswelt-Import.eu Produits Orisha Lien:

IT-Istruzioni per il Anderswelt-Import.eu Prodotti Orisha Link:

RU-Instructions for the Anderswelt-Import.eu Orisha products Link:

Hexenkalender, Witches Calendar, 

Sorcières Calendrier, Streghe Calendario Link:

DE-Neu alle magische Sprays mit goldenem Sprühkopf,

EN-New all magic sprays with golden spray head,

FR-Nouveaux sprays magiques avec tête de pulvérisation dorée,

IT-Nuovi spray magici con testina dorata,

Natural magic oils Sprays Spell, Modern Witchcraft today, 



Modern Witchcraft today, baby witch tip Witchtok, 


ES-Instrucciones de vudú para los productos de santería orisha. Link:

ES-la Directiva ES Magic of Brighid Link:

Es-Baby Witchtok Hechizo, Aceites Mágicos Naturales Link:

(la descarga está desactivada por razones de derechos de autor.)

ES-Instrucción en Bruja Junta Oija-board Link:

Bruxas, Brujeras,  Brighid Entrevista de trabajo, Witchtok Esoterico, Smartphone Video

Hexenkalender Witches Calendar PDF Link:

Ich zauber mir meine Welt, wie sie mir gefällt.

I conjure up my world as I like it.

J'évoque mon monde comme je l'aime.

Evoco il mio mondo come mi piace.

Evoco mi mundo como me gusta.

Willkommen DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, Hexenrituale, Modern witchtok today, Brujera, Strega, Sorciere


Welcome DE, EN, FR, IT, ES,Smartphone Video Modern Witchtok today, Brujera, Strega, Sorciere, 


DE-Hexen willkommen, voodoo love spells, witchtok santeria2.mp4
EN-witches welcome, voodoo love spells, witchtok santeria2.mp4
FR-Sorciere Bonjour, voodoo love spells, witchtok santeria1 – Mit Clipchamp erstellt.mp4
IT-Strega italiano Ciao, voodoo love spells, witchtok santeria2.mp4
ES-Brujas negras Hola, voodoo love spells, witchtok santeria2.mp4

DE-Alle Hexenritual Produkt Anleitungen 

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ES-Bruxa, Bruja Velas magia Instrucciones en español, 

desde Magic of Brighid Video Link:


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Witches Full Moon Calendar

EN-13 Witch Moons and their Correspondences 

EN-Attention, this page is available in German, English, 

French, Italian and Spanish.

Links at the top of this website. Blessing of Brighid.

Welcome to Brighid mp3 link:

U.K. English Welcome Voki mp3 Link:

Brighid Landingpage Link:

Please click on the image 

The full moon has people

has always been under his spell.

The sight alone is something wonderful.

When the light of the moon illuminates the dark nights,

many things happen

which are still inexplicable to scientists today,

and many myths surround vampires,

ghosts and werewolves,

which cause mischief on full moon nights. 

EN-The 13 Witches Full Moons Baby Witch tips

FR-Les 13 sorcières Full Moons Conseils pour bébés sorcières

IT-I 13 consigli per le streghe delle 13 lune piene delle streghe

ES-Las 13 brujas Lunas llenas Consejos de brujas para bebés

Anleitungsbuch Vollmond Rituale ISBN: 9783934978164 eBook Link:

Available only in German language. 

Disponible uniquement en langue allemande.

Disponibile solo in lingua tedesca.

Espaniol: Las 13 Brujas Lunas Llenas y sus contrapartes Link:

Best love spells that work Natural Eternal, 

Come to me Spells Sprays Oils with Glass Candles Link:

Welcome Witches Sisters, Witchtok,Bienvenue soeurs Sorcières, 

Benvenute Streghe, Bienvenidas Brujas video Link:

)O( MAGIC OF BRIGHID )O( Landingpage Link:

Brighid Landingpage Link:

13 Hexen Vollmonde Brighid Kalender Quellen Link:

Magic of Brighid Love 

Instruction book full moon rituals  ISBN: 9783934978164 eBook Link:

Work book with step by step instructions for the 13 full moons

The full moon has people and especially those who work magically

has always been under his spell.

In the Esbats, the full moon rituals, the power of the moon is used,

as I call her, who is strongest at this time, recorded,

to achieve positive things with this energy.

I use this energy and the powers of the individual zodiac signs,

in which the sun is at this full moon to shape my personality.

In short, to work on myself,

by trying some of the good features

to adopt this zodiac sign.

Magical work is then done with the opposite star sign,

because that is the sign in which the moon is.

This is all detailed within the 13 completed full moon rituals.

I begin the annual cycle on March 21st, the day of spring,

the birth of nature, and the ram also represents the birth,

just like the fish symbolize death.

What happens in such a plant moon

corresponds to seven years in a person's life.

About this seven-year rhythm of man

compared to the life of the plant and the development of nature

you'll find out more throughout this book.

So have fun and lots of new insights while celebrating the full moons!

Full moon new moon powers.

Negative entities such as ghosts, demons, etc.

They are delicately material and are particularly attracted to the new moon.

The attacks of negative energies on people

on a physical and mental level can therefore be three times as strong

like in normal times.

It begins two days before the full moon or new moon and ends two days after.

Consequences of the increased influence on full moon and new moon.

New moon increases accidents, suicide or obsession.

Especially during the night,

where the purifying Absolute Cosmic Fire element of the Sun is missing.

On a full moon night, when the illuminated side of the moon faces the earth,

you become excited, ecstatic, euphoric, reckless.

Overall, the distress-causing influence is greater during the new moon than during the full moon.

Distress is negative stress,

Eustress refers to positive stress.

In worldly matters it is best

to avoid important decisions, trips, operations, negotiations on these days,

because spirits can influence us more easily in our decisions.

The quality of our spiritual powers is from the 2nd day before to the 2nd day after full or.

New moon more intense and very effective.

More information sources link


EN-When is the next Super Full Moon?

Date time earth distance

FR-Quand aura lieu la prochaine super pleine lune ?

Date heure distance terrestre

IT-Quando sarà la prossima super luna piena?

Data ora distanza terrestre

ES-¿Cuándo será la próxima súper luna llena?

Fecha hora distancia terrestre

August 31, 2023 2:35 a.m. 357,344 kilometers

October 17, 2024 12:26 p.m. 357,364 kilometers

November 5th, 2025 2:19 p.m. 356,980 kilometers

12/24/2026 2:28 a.m. 356,740 kilometers

January 22, 2027 1:17 p.m. 357,644 kilometers

02/10/2028 4:04 p.m. 356,720 kilometers

March 30, 2029 3:26 a.m. 356,683 kilometers

May 17, 2030 12:19 p.m. 357,028 kilometers

July 4, 2031 8:01 p.m. 357,018 kilometers

Aug 21, 2032 2:47 a.m. 356,889 kilometers

October 8, 2033 11:58 a.m. 356,827 kilometers

11/25/2034 11:32 p.m. 356,448 kilometers

12/15/2035 1:33 a.m. 358,364 kilometers

01/13/2036 12:16 p.m. 356,531 kilometers

March 2, 2037 1:28 a.m. 356,751 kilometers

April 19, 2038 11:36 a.m. 356,908 kilometers

June 6, 2039 7:48 p.m. 357,286 kilometers

July 24, 2040 3:05 a.m. 357,193 kilometers

Source links




New moon ritual.

When the moon is full or new, the attractive forces take effect

of the moon and the sun together.

Gravity is strongest on new moons.

Use the power of the new moon for protection spells,

New beginnings, transformation and wishes.

New moon goddesses are Hekate, Hel, Kali-Durga, Lilith.

Moon eclipse myths about the blood moon:

There was generally a lunar eclipse

throughout human history

viewed as a harbinger of evil.

Germanic peoples, Vikings, Nordic peoples, believed

a giant wolf would be the cause of the lunar eclipse.

This wolf was given the name “Hati” (hate).

People believed this wolf of hate

try to devour the moon.


Full moon night ritual candle No.8098

3834 Natural Eth. Moon oil

and other success, money, love, etc.

Witches Full Moon Rituals, Witches Full Moon Rituals,

Rituels de la pleine lune des sorcières,

I rituali della luna piena delle streghe,

Rituales de luna llena de Brujas, Brighid Pdf link:


Wheel of the Year Sabbats

8 Celtic Wheel of the Year Rituals

1-Yule Witches Winter Solstice Rituals

The Returning of The Light Link:

2-Imbolc Witches Rituals Link:

3-Ostara Witches Spring Equinox Rituals March 21 Link:

4-Beltane Moon Rituals April 30th to May 1st Link:

5-Litha Witches Summer Solstice Rituals June 21st Kupala Link:

6-Lughnasadh Lammas Witches Harvest Rituals August 1st Link:

7-Mabon  Witches Autumn Equinox Rituals September 21st Link:

8-Samhain  Witches Rituals October 31 to

9-November 1 dead rituals Halloween Link:

Witches Calendar, Sorcières Calendrier, Streghe Calendario PDF Link:

Happy New Year, Bonne annee Animation Link: 

Witches Music Podcasts Links

Amazon Music-Audible-witchcraft Link:

Apple-witchcraft Link:

DEEZER-witchcraft Link:

Google-Podcasts-witchcraft Link:

Podcast-Addict-witchcraft Link:

Podbean-witchcraft Link:

ES-Música de Brujerías ChatGPT Witchtok, Magic of Brighid, 

Hechizos de Amor Naturales Brighid Dropbox Video Link:


ES-Video musical de Bienvenida de Magic of Brighid Witches Video


EN-Witchcraft Music ChatGPT Witchtok, 

Magic of Brighid Spells naturel Sprays Come to me Oils3 Dropbox Video Link:


EN-Welcome by Magic of Brighid Witches Music Video


EN-Witchcraft Music ChatGPT Witchtok, 

Magic of Brighid Spells naturel Sprays Come to me Oils2 Dropbox Video Link:


EN-Welcome by Magic of Brighid Witches Music Video


EN-Witchcraft Music ChatGPT Witchtok, 

Magic of Brighid Spells naturel Sprays Come to me Oils1 Dropbox Video Link:


EN-Welcome by Magic of Brighid Witches Music Video



FR-Musique de Sorcellerie ChatGPT Witchtok, Magic of Brighid, 

Sorts d'amour naturel Brighid, Francais1 Dropbox Video Lien:


FR-Bienvenue par Magic of Brighid Sorcellerie Clip vidéo


FR-Musique de Sorcellerie ChatGPT Witchtok, Magic of Brighid,  

Sorts d'amour naturel Brighid, Francais2 Dropbox Video Lien:


FR-Bienvenue par Magic of Brighid Sorcellerie Clip vidéo


FR-Musique de Sorcellerie ChatGPT Witchtok, Magic of Brighid, 

Sorts d'amour naturel Brighid, Francais2 Dropbox Video Lien:


FR-Bienvenue par Magic of Brighid Sorcellerie  Clip vidéo


EN-Welcome by Magic of Brighid Avatar Witches Music Video Dropbox Video Link:

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FR-Chat Vidéos promotionnelles GPT AI pour vos clients,
Liens vidéo Dropbox de La „Magic of Brighid“.
IT-Video promozionali EN-Chat GPT AI per i tuoi clienti,
Collegamenti video Dropbox della „Magic of Brighid“.
ES-Videos promocionales de EN-Chat GPT AI para sus clientes,
La magia de los enlaces de vídeos de Dropbox de „Magic of Brighid“

Witchcraft its my Women power, Solar eclipse spell
Dropbox Video Link:

WitchTok, Witchcraft its my Women magic power
Dropbox Video Link:

Witchcraft its my Women magic power, witchtok
Dropbox Video Link:

DE-Hexen Vollmond Liebeszauber natürliche Sprays Oele
Dropbox Video Link:

FR-Bonjour Sorciers, Sort d’amour huiles sprays bougies
Dropbox Video Link:

It-Incantesimi damore, Rituali delle Streghe nelle
Dropbox Video Link:

ES-Brujeria hechios amor, Bruxa, Bruxo, Brujeria
Dropbox Video Link:


DE-Zauber dir deine Welt wie sie dir gefällt. Witchtok,
Dropbox Video Link:

IT-Streghe amore magica Magic.of.Brighid.amore magica
Dropbox Video Link:

ES-Magia de la Bruja Brigid A través de la noche .mp4
Dropbox Video Link:

FR-La Sorcière Brighid survole la nuit de pleine lune
Dropbox Video Link:

EN-Witch Brighid flies through the full moon night,
Dropbox Video Link:

FR-La Sorcière Brighid survole la nuit de pleine1
Dropbox Video Link:

EN-Witch1 Brighid flies through the full moon night
Dropbox Video Link:

EN-Witch2 Brighid flies through the full moon night
Dropbox Video Link:

EN-Witch Brighid flies through the full moon night
Dropbox Video Link:

ES-Magia de la Bruja Brigid A través de la noche de luna llena,
Magic of Brighid spells, Witchtok Dropbox Video Link:

Fr-La sorcière Brighid survole la nuit de pleine lune
Dropbox Video Link:

IT-La magia della stregoneria di Brighid vola attraverso la notte di luna piena Dropbox Video Link:

DE-Hexen Liebeszauber, Magic of Brighid Natuerliche Oels Sprays, Handy,                                                                                                                                                 Smartphone Video, Witchtok Dropbox Video Link:

IT-Incantesimi d amore per le streghe, spray agli oli magici naturali Brighid,                                                                                                                                                video per smartphone, Witchtok Dropbox Video Link:

FR-Sorts d amour des sorcieres, Brighid Natural Magic Oils Sprays,                                                                                                                                                                    Vidéo sur smartphone, Witchtok Dropbox Video Link:

ES-Hechizos de amor de brujas, aerosoles de aceites magicos naturales Brighid,                                                                                                                                        vídeos para teléfonos inteligentes, Witchtok Dropbox Video Link:

EN-Witch Love Spells, Magic of Brighid Natural Magic Oils Sprays, Smartphone Video, Witchtok
Dropbox Video Link:

Vollmond Video Animation über dem Meer..

ES-Magia.de.Brighid, hechizo de amor en la Noche luna
Dropbox Video Link:

IT-Magia.di.Brighid, incantesimo d’amore nella notte
Dropbox Video Link:

FR-Magic.of.Brighid, sort d’amour pendant la lune
Dropbox Video Link:

EN-Magic.of.Brighid, love spell in the Full Moon Night
Dropbox Video Link:

DE-Magic of Brighid Rituale in den Vollmondnächten.
Dropbox Video Link:

ES-Bienvenidos instrucciones para nuevos clientes.
Magia de Brujas al por mayor „Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

IT-Istruzioni La magia dei nuovi clienti di Magic of Brighid,
Streghe incantesimo d’amore WitchTok“Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

FR-Instructions de bienvenue pour les nouveaux clients.
Vente en gros Magie De Sorcière, Brighid „Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

EN-Instructions New Customers Magic of Brighid Wholesale,
Music advertising at the end, WitchTok „Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

EN-Witches candle Spells, Essential oil magic sprays,
Change your life Witchcraft today „Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

ChatGPT Video Animation.
Witchcraft its my Women power, 5 Language,
Witches Full Moon Love Spells, Witchtok“Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

Hexen Vollmond liebeszauber, 5 Language,
Natuerliche come to me Oele Sprays,
Full Moon, Sorcieres Witchtok, „Magic.of.Brighid“ ‍Video

Hexenkalender, Witches Calendar, Sorcières Calendrier,
Streghe Calendario, Calendario de Brujas‍ Link:

Linktree‍ Link:

Brighid Welcome‍ Link:

Gratis Hexen Apps

EN-Attention, this page is available in German, English, 

French, Italian and Spanish.

Links at the top of this website. Blessing of Brighid.

FR-Attention, cette page est disponible en allemand, 

anglais, français, italien et espagnol.

Liens en haut de ce site. Bénédiction de Brighid.

IT-Attenzione, questa pagina è disponibile in tedesco, 

inglese, francese, italiano e spagnolo.

Collegamenti nella parte superiore di questo sito Web. 

Benedizione di Brighid.

ES-Atención, esta página está disponible en alemán, inglés, 

francés, italiano y español.

Enlaces en la parte superior de este sitio web. 

Bendición de Brighid.

DE-Achtung diese seite gibt es in Deusch, Englisch, 

Französisch, Italienisch und Spanisch.

Links oben an dieser Internet Seite. Segen von Brighid.




EN-Witches Full Moon Calendar.

FR-Calendrier de pleine lune des Sorcières.

IT-Calendario della Luna Piena delle Streghe.

ES-Calendario de Luna Llena de Brujas. Link:



Hexenkalender, Witches Calendar, Sorcières Calendrier, 

Streghe Calendario, Calendario de Brujas. Link:


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