i just started playing The Witcher 1 before moving on to the other 2. So far everything's working fine, i'm just wondering about the CPU usage. I'm running the game maxed out with FPS locked to 60. My graphics Card (780ti) is bored as hell, not even boosting clockspeeds above 800mhz or so, but my 4770k @ stock is pushing 100% on 1 core, but only on one, the others are idling. Now i understand that the Witchter 1 can only take advantage of 1 core but i'm wondering why the i7 is sitting at a constant 99-100% when running the game, regardless of settings. The game's running fine though.

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Which is a shame - as a revisionist, nasty fantasy, the Witcher has a lot going for it. It's the only PC RPG of the last couple of years which has committed to a high level of production values (at its best, the game is genuinely beautiful) to a traditional design (heavy on the conversation) with enough twists to make it feel novel. The setting being so nasty is a prime one - after a mass of sanitised RPGs, playing one where characters happily call each other abusive names makes a welcome change.

I would be okay with this. I mean, not happy, but okay. I can read up on it, and see how the first game bled into the second; which in turn impacts on events of the third (if you choose to have your Witcher 3 story reflect your decisions in its predecessor, which you have to do manually). But I'm not okay with it, because we were teased a console port of The Witcher, only for it to ultimately join the vast number of video game projects that simply never come to fruition.

In December 2008, CDPR announced that The Witcher would be coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, in an all-new form, subtitled Rise of the White Wolf. (So into that.) The game was to essentially be rebuilt, using Lyon-based studio Widescreen Games' DaVinci Engine. The French team's only real production of note, to that point, was 2005's Namco-published Dead to Rights II, which barely limped above a Metacritic 50 across Xbox and PS2. Nevertheless, it was Widescreen that CDPR were partnering with, and the result was promised to be a massive improvement on the PC original.

So I'll go on not playing it, wondering what extra context doing so would lend to my previous Witcher experiences, but never truly knowing. Such is the lot of the console-only player. Which leads me to a question for you, reader: what PC-only game, or game restricted to some other platform you don't have access to, have you pined for a port of, only to never see it? Discuss the topic on the Waypoint forums.

The Good

I'm no hardcore RPG fan but I can find myself playing the more traditional old school, dungeons and dragons like RPGs , some JRPGs and WRPGs. Based on a group of Polish novels The Witcher to me is one of the more modern like RPGs in the veins of Mass Effect minus the suckage. I played The Witcher back in 2007 and decided to try the Enhanced Edition which is as the named suggests enhanced.The Witcher is a Dark medieval fantasy set in a fictional world of Temeria. You play a Geralt a Witcher, which is a human undergone through mutation to achieve greater agility and powers with some side effects; Infertility is one example. They also do rely on potions. A witcher's job is to protect humans from monsters that lurk the regions for a fee. The Witcher has a very dark and gritty story and setting. It deals with many mature topics such as racism, drugs, rape, sex and bringing many out of place modern day swear words to the medieval age. Geralt is interesting to me as I like the antihero character. He's also one of the few characters in the game that is voiced very well. He makes good use of his infertility by banging a lot of women in the game without protection for some baseball cards. What's awesome about this game is that it also focuses on other characters giving you some really fun and interesting side quests which are very important for RPGs.

The landscapes and cities are rendered beautifully using a modified version of the Bioware Aurora engine. Got to love the water effects, foliage, day-night cycle and the details here and there. The game can be colorful and gritty at the same time. And in the Enhanced Edition it's much better moving around from area to area as the loading time has improved greatly. You'll see people walking around, chit chatting in the day and only guards and homeless people around in the night, gives the feeling of life and realism in the world.

The Good

When talking about what I like, I must start with the fact that The Witcher is so obviously a labor of love. It's also a good game, of course, and that's what the rest of this review will focus on, but if you read the books and know the story, characters and lore, you'll see so many little, or at times not so little, moments and elements in a somewhat different, more complex and, more often than not, overall better way. This doesn't mean you can't play it without knowing the background from other sources, because great care has been taken to ensure that's not the case, but simply that there's significant added value if you do, and that these elements were implemented in a way that makes it clear the developers were fans of the books and did their best to do them justice.

This obviously also helps the atmosphere and the feeling that you're part of a living, breathing, believable world, but prior knowledge is once again not exactly necessary, the game itself doing a good enough job even on its own, despite limitations due to the engine, possibly the available hardware, and definitely the team's size and experience at the time. The nice dialogues and decent implementation of NPC schedules also aid in this, along with the books and journal entries which, while shorter and more utilitarian than what can be found in the most memorable games from this point of view, you will actually want to seek out for both information and benefits, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and you will end up caring about the consequences of your actions not merely in terms of which will do more to aid your progress but also of how they'll affect certain characters and events for their own sake.

On that topic, I must also say that the story shows proper planning and tackles real and important issues in a relatively mature way, putting before the player moral choices that are far from black and white, at times the decision regarding which may be the slightly lesser evil being uncomfortably difficult. Some of the consequences of those choices could have been handled better, however, considering that they can at times be particularly significant and only become apparent much later, but later is also when I'll get to that. For now, I'll say The Witcher is a notable example of implementing this concept at a time when it was noticeably less popular and developed in games than it is now, several years later.

Since I'm reviewing this particular edition of the game, before moving on I should also mention the included additional adventures, obviously starting with the official ones, which are both quite short but can be seen as canon and would have almost certainly been paid DLC if the game would have been released by bigger studios. Of the two, Side Effects seems like the better one overall, likely due to the areas and characters included, though it's nasty that the different paths and quests aren't clear and you don't know what you might have done. The Price of Neutrality seems to have less actual content and its duration is somewhat artificially extended by needing to cross the river only in certain spots.

Then there are two others made by Ifrit Creative Group, and they both show a fair amount of thinking outside the box. Wedding is definitely different, weird and hilarious, but I'd rather dwell more on Merry Witchmas, which truly is a great piece of work. It has a few small issues, but overall it features a fair amount of content and shows a lot of effort, care and creativity, including custom assets. It's also interesting to notice all the included references, though they and the particular type of creativity and humor used do hurt it a bit in my view when it's at such a high level otherwise, as I'd call it outstanding if it'd feel more natural and fit better in the game world. Others may appreciate it even more just for these reasons, however.

Of the remaining three, Damn Those Swamps! barely deserves mentioning, being very amateurish, extremely short and featuring extremely little content. Deceit tries to be more, though it seems to go through a checklist of elements to include in order to do so, but it has writing issues and is a buggy mess, requiring me to download an updated version to even be able to finish it. Wraiths of Quiet Hamlet, on the other hand, is very nicely done and feels quite natural. There are a couple of notable bugs, one with a fist fighter and the other being that everything goes in satchels and nothing in alchemy bags, but I liked what they did with NPC schedules, all the details like house gnomes or blue smoke, the way the sexual encounter was implemented, and of course the ending, when everything is put together and you're presented with the results of your actions and choices.

The Bad

Despite all of that, however, I repeatedly had to force myself to continue, initially requiring a long time to be able to do so. The reason for that? Just those choices and consequences I was mentioning above and the fact that a fair number of times the only way to find the right solution, or even simply the order you need to do some quests or phases in for best results, is to make a lucky guess, possibly even before being made aware of any need to do so. That made me feel that whenever I did one thing I was likely to break three others and won't even realize it before it'll be too late.

Now I appreciate it when choices require careful thought and consequences are significant, long-term and at times even undesirable, but with the way I play, and in fact with the way I am, I need ways to do things right and to fix what I see as wrong, and obviously also need to be aware of the need to do so in time. When that's not available or what is available is insufficient, it goes past frustration and turns into a feeling of powerlessness and an actual fear of advancing or deciding anything, which is something I'm all too familiar with on a daily basis and most definitely don't want to experience while playing games as well. Others have embraced this completely, but for me it's a terrible aspect of the realism which I have otherwise appreciated in this game and was very close to making it unplayable from my point of view.

And in the above paragraph I wasn't referring to the times when things don't work as intended, mind you, because sadly the game still has quite a number of bugs. Many are only nuisances, if they're triggered at all, but a few may be major and require the player to know how to avoid them ahead of time. In addition, there are also some purely technical problems, possibly due to a memory leak, since they're more likely to occur the longer you play. These usually result in crashes, especially while saving, which in that case will destroy the old save game as well if you were overwriting, but a couple of times the game even caused my computer to freeze. The first time I eventually resorted to the reset button, though after that I found that there was a way, albeit a rather tricky one, to end the process even in that situation. be457b7860

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