Wissam Ghantous

Assistant Professor

Hello! Welcome to my website. 

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the department of Mathematics of the University of Central Florida, as well as a member of UCF's Cyber Security and Privacy Cluster. 

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher for one year at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris). Before that, I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford in 2023. 

My main research interests are post-quantum cryptography and computational number theory. 

My email address is: wissam "dot" ghantous "at" ucf.edu

Upcoming/past visits, seminars and conferences

In 2025

In 2024: 

In 2023:

In 2022:

In 2021:

In 2019:

*The picture below is  part of the supersingular isogeny graph Λ1873(2, 3) that I generated using SAGE. The prime 1873 is the smallest p such that  both  supersingular isogeny graphs Λp(2) and Λp(3) have no loops. Read more on this in my first paper.