June 13-18, 2021

WiSh: Women in shape analysis 2021

The 4th Women in Shape Analysis Research Workshop will be held in-person in Oaxaca for half the participants, and remote for the other half.

The workshop is designed to strengthen the shape modeling community by bringing together women researchers at various stages in their careers (from graduate student to senior researcher) and from across the world, to foster research collaboration and mentorship.

This year's event consists of four small research groups:

  • 3D Deep Learning for Shape Understanding (in person, in Oaxaca)

  • Robotic grasping (in person, in Oaxaca)

  • Algebraic and geometric tools in computational design (remote)

  • Classic, Hybrid and Data-Driven Models for Skeleton Extraction From Images (remote).

Participants will spend the week working together in these groups to solve one of a selection of open questions in shape modeling. Following the workshop, the research network will be maintained and strengthened by publishing a proceedings volume and organizing follow-up conferences and reunions for participants and other researchers in the area. Mentoring and professional development will happen both formally and informally.


Erin Wolf Chambers, St. Louis University

Kathryn Leonard, Occidental College

Research Leaders:

Angelica Aviles-Rivero,University of Cambridge

Ilke Demir, Intel

Cindy Grimm, Oregon State University

Nelly Villamizar, Swansea University

Remote team on Algebraic and Geometric tools in CAGD

We will approach problems in approximation theory and computer-aided geometric design using techniques from applied geometry, commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. This project is meant for researchers with interests falling broadly under multivariate spline theory, interpolation, and geometric modeling. We will have an outlook towards practical problems arising in industrial and applied mathematics including computational geometry, computer-aided design, robotics, and optimization. The project focuses on the most recent advances for non-standard spline methods and their applications, and includes adaptive spline spaces, multi-patch spline constructions, splines on unstructured meshes, as well as subdivision schemes. In addition, related application algorithms in isogeometric analysis and image registration will be considered. The main objective of this project is to analyze these challenges from a different angle, by treating spline spaces from a commutative and homological algebra perspective. This methodology has led for instance, to rigorous proofs of computational conjectures on the dimension of spline spaces. In addition, the algebraic approach links aspects of approximation theory and algebraic geometry by taking advantage of the interplay between the combinatorics of the underlying mesh, and the algebraic properties of the polynomial pieces governed by the smoothness conditions.

Associate Professor, University of Florence, Italy (GMT+2)

Lisa Maria Kreusser

Nevile Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK (GMT+1)

Estefania Loayza

PhD Candidate, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany (GMT+2)

Professor, Ghent University, Belgium (GMT+2)

Senior Lecturer, Swansea University, UK (GMT+1)