The whole event will be conducted in English. Though few films may have foreign languages spoken, there will be English subtitles.

2. Are consumption of food and drinks allowed at the venue?

Consumption of food and drinks is not allowed in the auditorium, but attendees may consume food and drinks in the foyer space and throw the trash in the bins to keep the venue clean. 

3. What is the minimum age to attend the Film Festival?

Attendees must be above the age of 5 years old to attend the festival.

4. Is parental guidance required for children watching the films? 

Though the festival is a child-friendly event, Parental Guidance may be required when watching a few of the films.

5. What is the classification of the short films? 

While most of the films fall under Category I, “Apayauq” is under Category IIA.

6. Can I not have my pictures taken and posted on WISE social media?

As pictures and videos will be taken throughout the event for promotional purposes, if you do not consent to having yours taken and published please let a WISE staff know or share at the registration. You will receive a sticker to put on a visible location so our staff are reminded. 

7. Can attendees smoke in the venue?

HKFYG is a smoke-free environment. Please do not smoke inside the venue.