Wisconsin Division IWLA Scholarship

The Wisconsin Division awards a $1,000.00 scholarship each year. The scholarship is awarded to all students working towards a degree in an environmental science or conservation-related field. The student must have completed at least one year in a post secondary educational institutions in Wisconsin. The deadline for submission of the application is March 1 of each year.

You may download a copy of the application form from the attachment section of this page. If you are not able to download a copy of the application contact Ron MacDonald at (715) 630-0279 / olly2silas@att.net or Gerald Ernst at (715) 344-4668 / jjernst@charter.net and ask them for a application.

Send completed scholarship applications to Ronald MacDonald, 1909 Main Street, Stevens Point WI 54481

Wisconsin Division Scholarship Application


Ray Kliss & Past State President's Memorial Scholarship

The Brown County Chapter of the Izak Walton League of America accepts applications for the Ray Kliss and Past President"s Memorial Scholarship. All State of Wisconsin residents that are pursuing a degree in environmental science and related conservation at the college or technical school level are eligible for a scholarship, up to $1,000.00.

The Brown County Chapter accepts applications from interested students each spring. Applications are due by March 31st and should include a resume, a school transcript and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applicants should also provide an address, phone number, and the school program which they will be enrolling in or now attend, if already out of high school. People familiar with your activities and character should be asked to provide these references. Supplemental information, in the form of a cover letter, indicating activities and interests in environmental issues are also encouraged and will be accepted with your resume.

Mail applications to : Scholarship Committee, Brown County Chapter IWLA, P. O. Box 5391, DePere, WI 54115

Bill Cook Chapter Scholarship

The Bill Cook Chapter of the IWLA provides financial assistance to students in conservation-related fields of study in post-secondary educational institutions. Awards will reflect primarily the applicants' character and probable contributions to the future of their communities. An application form for the Bill Cook scholarship may be downloaded from the attachment listed below.

Bill Cook Chapter Scholarship Application
