The Wisconsin Division is one of many divisions of the Izaak Walton League of America, one of the nation's oldest and leading conservation organizations. The Wisconsin Division was founded in 1923 with the first Division President being Judge Henry M. Graass from Green Bay, Wisconsin. Currently, the Division has eight chapters located across the state.
The Division and its chapters work together to advance the League's mission.
Our mission is to conserve, restore and promote the sustainable use and enjoyment of our natural resources, including soil, air, wood, water and wildlife.
The Izaak Walton League of America and its member divisions and chapters take a grassroots' approach to solving conservation issues. This approach works due to the continuing efforts of its members, making it one of the leading conservation organizations in the United States. The Wisconsin Division promotes citizen involvement within local chapters, while encouraging education on local, state and national issues. The Division advocates for sound and wise environmental legislation within the state.
The Wisconsin Division promotes and supports both parts of the League's Mission -- conservation and outdoor recreation. The Division's chapters and members are very involved in conservation activities and issues in their local communities, as well as promoting outdoor recreation opportunities for all individuals.
Whether you are concerned about clean water in your neighborhood, robust fish and wildlife populations, healthy air to breathe, or access to places where your family can get back to nature, you can take action today to safeguard natural resources for generations to come.
Sustainable outdoor recreation means enjoying our natural resources today while ensuring future generations can enjoy them as well. Some of the ways League members enjoy the outdoors include camping, fishing, hiking, recreational shooting sports, and wildlife watching.
Upcoming Events
State Division Meeting
The next Division meeting is scheduled for Saturday April 12, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be sponsored by the Beloit Chapter at its clubhouse in Beloit, Wisconsin.
Events in Wisconsin
Be sure to check out our Division Calendar for additional information on upcoming events, including events being held by Wisconsin chapters.