Call for Participation

We are looking forward to interact with young female researchers, who have just started out and may use some encouragements!

Towards this, we are inviting submissions on the following the topics related Information Retrieval. However, the list is by no means exhaustive, so feel free to share your work in progress:

Document analysis including Text categorization, Information retrieval, Information extraction

Machine translation and Multilinguality

Deep Learning and ML for IR Applications

Dialogue and Interactive Systems

Tagging, chunking, syntax, and parsing

Representation learning for NLP

Question Answering

Sentiment analysis and opinion mining

Web Search, Retrieval and Ranking

Recommender Systems

Text Summarisation

Deep learning for IRD

Computer Vision

Multimodal IR

General Guidelines

§ The exended abstracts should be in English.

§ The length should not exceed 3 pages, including references.

§ Submissions should be in PDF Form.

§ Submission should contain the author names and affiliation.

§ If your paper contains text of languages other than English please attach relevant font files along with your submission.

§ All accepted submissions will be archived at our website.

§ Please mail your submission to with subject as : 'WiIR@FIRE_WIP_yourname'

§ Please fill up the following form too (if not done already, required for our estimates):