There are a few issues with this solution. One is that players rarely start the game with votes, and wipeouts in the first two gear phases of the game are pretty common, particularly in the Death Race scenario, and particular if people start brawling on the start-line. Another is that not all sponsors generate votes at the same point in the game: some generate them early, some late, some in a burst, some in a trickle. This is intentional, but iterates poorly with the problem of early-game wipeouts.

As part of the process of finding a better solution for the miss-a-go problem of early-gear-phase wipeouts. Glenn and I tried several approaches, which I shared with one of the playtesting groups. They included trying a new way of losing control, essentially handing an activation to your opponent. We tried not cancelling hazards, or cancelling fewer, and not dropping gears. None of them worked quite right, either leading to some nasty exploits or handing too much power to your opponents.

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As we were discussing what was working and what not, we really agreed that wiping out in lower gears felt crummy, and wiping out in higher gears felt exciting. This led to the current experiment, which is to essentially make wipeouts more forgiving in gears 1-3, and more punishing in gears 4-6.

A more simple example would be if there was an object with only one hole in it...such as a door with a window through it...could the wipeout apply to the door - but still show through the wall or scenery behind that door only where the window is.

Hi, I make it as it's shown on image. Start to make a wipeout in order of points 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,5,4 and close for that example. Then if I need, set up the IMAGEFRAME to 0 to make the frame invisible

From what I've heard from other people I play with who flew the Wipeout long before the Jets DLC came out, they've said that the wipeout was able to climb almost vertically when coming out of a run like actual A-10s are capable of doing in reality. One video I've been able to find of the Wipeout doing CAS before the Jets DLC is this one, posted below.

The thing that bothers me is that its "deferred wipeout" functionality is not documented properly. I can only suspect that "deferred" means asynchronous, so that it doesn't block the node/executor, but I'm guessing right now.

Click the zone vertex in the graphics area or enter the coordinates. Graphical elements placed behind this zone are hidden (not deleted). Use the command Order (in the Modify menu) to manage the position of entities relative to the wipeout. ff782bc1db

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