Wiogora Houses

Like a certain famous wizarding school in Scotland, Wiogora (WEE-oh-GOR-ah) has four houses. Our houses were all founded by powerful mages united by their desire to use the most powerful magic of all to transfigure the world itself: kindness. 

The noble houses of PhoenixFire, WindHorse, WaveRider, and StoneDragon enfold our students in their community and traditions. 

Our own Sorting Hat will sort all first-year students into the houses most suited to their personality during the first Opening Ceremony of the season.

PhoenixFire House

Color: Red

Attribute: Hope

WaveRider House

Color: Blue

Attribute: Peace

WindHorse House

Color: Green

Attribute: Love

StoneDragon House

Color: Gold

Attribute: Faith

All about Wiogora Houses