Revolutionize the future with WinterTech, the unparalleled vanguard of technological innovation that is reshaping the world as we know it. With an unwavering commitment to progress and a relentless drive to push the boundaries of what's possible, WinterTech stands at the forefront of the ever-evolving tech industry. Led by the visionary founder Taylan Winter, our dynamic team of brilliant tech prodigies harnesses the power of imagination, transforming it into tangible, awe-inspiring realities. From groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence to cutting-edge cybernetics, WinterTech's relentless pursuit of excellence is revolutionizing industries and propelling humanity into a new era of limitless possibilities. 

At WinterTech, innovation is not just a buzzword; it's ingrained in our DNA. We foster a culture of curiosity, where unconventional ideas flourish and the status quo is shattered. Our state-of-the-art research labs serve as incubators of brilliance, where our talented engineers and scientists collaborate seamlessly to unravel the mysteries of technology. With a commitment to creative freedom and a relentless pursuit of perfection, WinterTech empowers its team members to push the boundaries of their potential and create groundbreaking solutions that shape the future.


Established in early 2040, WinterTech is a dynamic corporation that commands attention in the tech industry. Renowned for its groundbreaking approach and fresh perspectives on design, this young company continues to push boundaries and challenge the norms that govern the technological landscape. Under the visionary leadership of Taylan Winter, WinterTech embarked on a bold mission to assemble a team of talented yet undiscovered tech prodigies from across the globe. Many of these brilliant minds had previously toiled away in obscurity, confined to working in the shadows of faceless corporate entities or from the confines of their makeshift laboratories. Winter promised them stability and, most importantly, creative freedom, albeit at the cost of surrendering rights to their inventions. While some hesitated, the allure of this newfound liberty proved irresistible, and dissenting voices quickly faded into oblivion. 

In early 2042, Rocklin Augmentics attempted to acquire WinterTech, recognizing the company's meteoric rise in the industry. However, they encountered the unyielding determination of Taylan Winter, who steadfastly refused to relinquish her independence and remain at the helm of her creation. 

Shortly thereafter, an assassination attempt on Taylan's life was thwarted by Derrick Fring, the formidable head of WinterTech security and a battle-hardened veteran of the 4th corporate war. Although a direct link between the attack and Rocklin Augmentics was never substantiated, rumors circulated in the shadows. 

By 2044, WinterTech had negotiated a series of undisclosed agreements behind closed doors, securing the freedom to operate from their new headquarters in Night City. The exact nature of these arrangements remains a well-guarded secret, inviting speculation among industry insiders. There are whispers of hidden motives and undisclosed alliances that hint at a deeper complexity beneath the surface. 

WinterTech stands as a beacon of innovation and a testament to the unyielding spirit of its founder. With a reputation for defying conventions and a commitment to creative freedom, the corporation continues to forge its path in the ever-evolving tech world. Join us as we explore the frontiers of technological advancement, uncover the secrets that lie within WinterTech's enigmatic operations, and witness the dawn of a new era in Night City.













At the helm of WinterTech's remarkable ascent stands the brilliant and tenacious mind of Taylan Winter. Her journey towards greatness began at the tender age of 15 when she recognized her brother's exceptional talent for technology. Refusing to let him be commodified by the highest bidder, she convinced her parents that his creations held the key to their prosperity. As she turned 21, Taylan boldly broke free from her parents' managerial grip, venturing out with her brother, who had recently come of age, to forge their own path. 

While Taylan pursued her studies in law, she became a force to be reckoned with, specializing in the intricate workings of the Northern California legal system, particularly the intricacies of copyright law. Her unrivaled knowledge and expertise earned her the formidable moniker, "The Patent Queen." In contrast, her brother Taylor, the mastermind behind the revolutionary inventions that power WinterTech, remains an elusive figure. Rarely photographed and absent from press events, rumors abound regarding his reclusive nature. 

Some speculate that he immerses himself in his workshop, tirelessly perfecting extreme body augmentations, while others whisper that he shuns the spotlight due to disfigurement. Together, the dynamic duo behind WinterTech—Taylan Winter, the legal luminary, and her enigmatic brother Taylor—combine their distinct talents, propelling the company's innovation and pioneering spirit.

 Their unwavering dedication to their craft and relentless pursuit of technological breakthroughs set the stage for WinterTech's meteoric rise, leaving an indelible mark on the industry and cementing their place as formidable forces within the world of cybernetics and beyond.