
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

[23] Alvarez-Benjumea, Amalia, Fabian Winter, and Nan Zhang (2024). "Norms of prejudice: political identity and polarization" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (1897)

[22] Kretschmer, David, Johanna Gereke, Fabian Winter, and Nan Zhang (2023). "No Differential Effects for Adolescent Natives and Immigrants: A Comment on Smith et al. 2016" American Journal of Sociology.

[21] Mutzner, Nico, Vincent Oberhauser, Fabian Winter, and Heiko Rauhut (2023). "Evading the algorithm: increased propensity for tax evasion and norm violations in human-computer interactions". Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 1-13.

[20] Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Nguyen, H. H., Adem, M.,..., Winter, F., ... & Van Assche, J. (2022). Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. PNAS-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (44), e2203150119.

[19] Van Doesum, Niels J., Ryan O. Murphy, ... , Fabian Winter, ... , Paul A.M. Van Lange (2022) “Reply to Nielsen et al.: Social mindfulness is associated with countries’ environmental performance and individual environmental concern”. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (9) e2122077119.

[18] Van Doesum, Niels J., Ryan O. Murphy, ... , Fabian Winter, ... , Paul A.M. Van Lange (2022) “Reply to Komatsu et al.: From local social mindfulness to global sustainability efforts?”. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35) e2023846118.

[17] Alexander Ehlert, Böhm, Robert, Jürgen Fleiß, Heiko Rauhut, Robert Rybnicek, and Fabian Winter  (2021) “The Development of Prosociality: Evidence for a Negative Association between Age and Prosocial Value Orientation from a Representative Sample in Austria”. Games.

[16] Van Doesum, Niels J., Ryan O. Murphy, ... , Fabian Winter, ... , Paul A.M. Van Lange (2021) “Social Mindfulness and Prosociality Vary Across the Globe”. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35) e2023846118.

[15] Alvarez, Amalia and Fabian Winter  (2020) "The Breakdown of Anti-Racist Norms: A Natural Experiment on Normative Uncertainty after Terrorist Attacks.". PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (37) 22800-22804

[14]Winter, Fabian and Mitesh Kataria (2020). “You are who your Friends are – An Experimental Study on Trust and Homophily in Endogenous Friendship Networks”. Rationality and Society.

[13] Zhang, Nan, Amelie Aidenberger, Heiko Rauhut, and Fabian Winter  (2019). "Prosocial Behavior in Interethnic Encounters: Evidence from a Field Experiment with High- and Low-Status Immigrants".  European Sociological Review. (data & code)

This paper won the European Sociological Review Best Article of the Year Prize for articles published in the  in 2019.

[12] Crosetto, Paolo, Ori Weisel, and Fabian Winter  (2019). "A flexible z-Tree and oTree implementation of the Social Value Orientation Slider Measure". Forthcoming in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. (working paper, code)

[11] Rauhut, Heiko, Fabian Winter, and David Johann (2018) "Does the Winner Take it All? Increasing Inequality in Scientific Authorship". Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. (eds R. A. Scott, S. M. Kosslyn and M. Buchmann). doi:10.1002/9781118900772.etrds0459 

[10] Winter, Fabian, Heiko Rauhut, and Luis Miller (2018). "Dynamic Bargaining and Normative Conflict”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 74, pp.112-126 (working paper)

[9] Alvarez, Amalia and Fabian Winter (2018). “Normative change and culture of hate: a randomized experiment in online communities”.  European Sociological Review.Volume 34, Issue 3 (1), Pages 223–237,  (working paper)

 [8] Franzen, Axel , Sebastian Mader, and Fabian Winter (2018). “Contagious yawning, empathy and their relation to pro-social behavior”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 147 (12), 1950-1958.  (working paper

[7] Winter, Fabian and Nan Zhang (2018). “Social Norm Enforcement in Ethnically-Diverse Communities”. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (11) 2722-2727 (data&code)

[6] Hillenbrand, Adrian and Fabian Winter (2018) “Volunteering under Population Uncertainty”. Games and Economic Behavior, 109, pp 65-81. (working paper, data&code)

[5] Rauhut, Heiko and Fabian Winter (2017). “Vernetzung und Positionierung der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS) in der länder-, disziplinen- und sprachübergreifenden Diskussion” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, (Suppl 1) 69:61–74. (working paper)

[4] Winter, Fabian (2014). “Fairness norms can explain the emergence of specific cooperation norms in the Battle of the Prisoners Dilemma” The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol. 38(4) 302-320. (working paper)

[3] Mitesh Kataria and Fabian Winter (2013). “Third Party Assessments in Trust Problems with Conflict of Interest: An Experiment on the Effects of Promises”. Economics Letters, 120(1) 53-56

[2] Winter, Fabian, Heiko Rauhut and Dirk Helbing (2012). “How norms can generate conflict: An experiment on the failure of cooperative micro-motives on the macro-level”. Social Forces, 90(3) 919–948.

This paper won the DGS-ModSim Anatol-Rapoport-Prize

[1] Heiko Rauhut and Fabian Winter (2010). “A sociological perspective on measuring social norms by means of strategy method experiments”. Social Science Research, 39, 1181 - 1194.

Articles in Edited Volumes

[5] Rauhut, Heiko and Fabian Winter  (2021). "How More Severe Punishment Generates Less Norm Enforcement. Further Evidence of Paradoxical Effects of Norm Enforcement in Inspection Games". In:  Krumpal, Ivar, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutic (eds.): "Rationality in Social Science". De Gruyter. 

[4] Winter, Fabian and Andreas Diekmann (2020). "The Psychological Consequences of Money: Two Replications and Four Extensions". In: Buskens, Vincent, Rense Corten, and Chris Snijders (eds.) “Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation: Theory, Experiments, and Applications”. De Gruyter. 

[3] Rauhut, Heiko and Fabian Winter (2017). “Types of Normative Conflicts and the Effectiveness of Punishment”. In:Wojtek Prezpjorka and Ben Jann (eds.): “Social dilemmas, institutions and the evolution of cooperation.” De Gruyter. (working paper)

[2] Winter, Fabian and Axel Franzen (2017). “Diffusion of Responsibility in Norm Enforcement: Evidence from an N-Person Ultimatum Bargaining Experiment”. In: Wojtek Prezpjorka and Ben Jann (eds.): “Social dilemmas, institutions and the evolution of cooperation.” De Gruyter. (working paper)

[1] Rauhut, Heiko and Fabian Winter (2012). “On the Validity of Laboratory Research in the Political and Social Sciences. The Example of Crime and Punishment”. In: Bernhard Kittel, Wolfgang Luhan and Rebecca Morton (eds.): Experimental Political Science. Practice and Principles. Palgrave Research Methods Series. (working paper)

Revise and Resubmit and Submitted Manuscripts

[6] Zhang, Nan, Amalia Álvarez-Benjumea, and Fabian Winter (2021). "Party Trumps Race: How Black, Hispanic and Asian Republicans React to Explicit Racial Rhetoric". submitted.

[4] Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., ... Winter, F, ...,  & van der Linden, M. (2021). How Many Replicators Does It Take to Achieve Reliability? Investigating Researcher Variability in a Crowdsourced Replication. Revise and Resubmit at Sociological Methods and Research.

[3] Alvarez, Amalia, Lars Freund, Katharina Luckner, and Fabian Winter (2018) “Public Signals as Coordination Devices: The Moderating Effect of Group Identity”. submitted 

[2] Hillenbrand, Adrian, Tobias Werner and Fabian Winter (2019) “Volunteering at the Workplace under Incomplete Information: Teamsize does not matter”. Revise and Resubmit at Experimental Economics.

[1] Rauhut, Heiko and Fabian Winter (2020). “The increasing dominance of networking in the production of knowledge”. Revise and Resubmit PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


[1] Winter, Fabian (2012). "Social Conflict and the Emergence of Norms". PhD Tesis, Univerität Leipzig.

Working Papers

[3] Fabian Winter (2017). “Real Effort Tasks in Economic Experiments: An Empirical Comparison of Tasks and their Behavioral Effects.” mimeo MPI for Collective Goods.

[2] N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, M Adem, J Adriaans, ..., Fabian Winter, ... “The Crowd-sourced Replication Initiative: Investigating Immigration and Social Policy Preferences.” Executive Report. Universität Mannheim. 

[1] Rauhut, Heiko and Winter, Fabian (2018). "Der Markt der Aufmerksamkeit in der Soziologie: Trends im Publizieren, Zitieren und Netzwerken". Available at SSRN: