Korea Astronomy Machine Learning

Winter Meeting

Korea Institute for Advanced Study, February 21st 2023


  • Welcome to the webpage of 10th Korea Astronomy Machine Learning Meeting, Winter 2023. As in the past nine meetings, we hope that this meeting continues be a venue for astrophysicists and cosmologists in Korea to exchange ideas and formulate new projects by harnessing the power of machine learning. Even if you have not attended one of the previous meetings, you would still be very welcome to attend and participate!

  • There is no registration fee to attend this meeting.

  • For the tentative program of this half-day meeting (13:30-17:00pm, February 21, 2023), please press the Program tab above.

  • We encourage everyone who can to travel to KIAS to attend in person, for improved discussions and presentations. However, if you are unable to, there will be the option to attend via Zoom. The Zoom link for the meeting and the finalized program will be sent a day before the meeting to the registered participants.

Link to the previous meeting:

Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Sungwook E. Hong (KASI), David Parkinson (KASI), Cristiano Sabiu (U. Seoul), Min-su Shin (KASI)

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Juhan Kim (KIAS)