Seminar in Applications of Geospatial Technology

Spring 2023 Pre-Enrollment Information

Welcome! I'm Allison Lenkeit Meezan, your look forward to meeting you this winter quarter in the Seminar in Applications of Geospatial Technology online at Foothill College

This is not the class syllabus, but rather some information provided prior to the start of the term to help prepare you for class and answer some common questions. I will give you a detailed syllabus on the first day of class, April 10, 2023.

This course uses the Canvas course management system. This is where you will access lectures, office hours and links to optional Zoom meetings. You need to be enrolled to log into the course site.  Our course site will be available to you a few days before the start of the quarter. 

Course Essentials

What will we do in this class?

Geospatial Technology (GIST) a suite of tools including Geographic Information Systems, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (also known as GPS) and Remote Sensing that helps people in a wide variety of disciplines record, analyze and predict the world around them. 

This is a two unit course required for Certificates I, II and III in Geospatial Technology. It will give you the opportunity to learn about how GIST is being applied in a variety of disciplines and about GIST careers. You will have the opportunity to tailor the course material to your specific interests. 

Our class is a self directed opportunity to explore what interests you about GIST. 

Pre-requisites: What you need before you take this class

This class has no pre-requisites, other than enthusiasm and curiosity. Fluency in written and spoken English is strongly encouraged. 

If you have questions or concerns about your preparation for this class, please email me. If you are new to GIS, I encourage you to also enroll in GIST 11, Introduction to Mapping & Spatial Reasoning Winter quarter to give you the maximum exposure and context for GIS.

Required materials

This class has no required books. It is strongly encouraged that you have a computer (not just a phone) to access the videos, papers and materials that we will be using in our class. If you do not have access to a computer, the Foothill College library can lend you one for the quarter. For more information about the computer loan program, please contact a Tech Ambassador in the Student Success Portal. 

How to be successful in our class

Set aside time for learning

Fitting in school while balancing work, family and the stresses of post-pandemic life, is not easy. Getting good grades can be stressful enough, without recovery from a global pandemic, climate change and a incendiary socio-political landscape.  To be successful in our class, allow yourself the time and space you need to work through the material and reach out to me or your peers if you are stuck. 

You should plan to 'attend' class regularly by logging in 1-2 times per week.  Set a regular schedule for yourself, just as if you were taking a face to face class. Plan to sit down for some quality time with Physical Geography several times per week. In the face to face classroom, we would meet for 2 hours per week . Budget in additional time to complete homework, readings etc, and you are looking at  4-6 hours each week for our class.

Your first week of class

Class begins Monday, April 10. I will open our Canvas course a few days before the start of the quarter so you can look around. I will email all enrolled and waitlisted students the Thursday before our quarter begins to let you know the class is open and share login information. 

You are responsible for 24 hours of course material through the quarter as follows. Hours listed to complete each activity may vary by student but average times expected for an undergraduate level student are listed to meet course outline of record requirements:

GIST Meetup events and educational seminars

This class does not have exams. 

The bulk of our seminar is your attendance at GIST meetup events and educational seminars. In non-Covid times these would be a mix of live events in your area and virtual events and recorded seminars. This year we will likely be focusing more on recorded seminars and virtual events. Stay tuned as our regional shelter in place conditions are updated. We will know more closer to January.

For each event that you attend live or watch a recording of, I ask that you write up a three paragraph summary. For multi-hour events, you may be asked to write a more extensive summary. 

You will also conduct an interview with a GIS professional. I will work with you to match you with a GIS professional with similar interests in the discipline.

Accommodations for students with learning differences

The Foothill Disability Resource Center can arrange for extended testing time, low distraction testing environments and adaptive equipment. The Disability Resource Center can also help build a customized accessibility plan for you to make the course material accessible to you based on your individual needs. 

Still have questions? 

You are always welcome to email me at  Once our class starts, I will show you how to communicate directly with me through the Canvas Inbox messaging system. I get a lot of emails, so I filter out student messages sent through Canvas so that I can make you, my students, my top priority.

For questions about whether this class class will transfer to your selected four-year school, or whether you can transfer in credit from another school instead of taking this class, please reach out to the Counseling department at Foothill. They are best equipped to answer your question (and if you email me to ask, I will probably send you to them anyway!)

For more information about Geography or Geospatial Technology degrees and certificates at Foothill, see our Geography program website and the Geospatial Technology program website.