The project's double value also serves to demonstrate how non-alcoholic wines can be not just an imposition or virtually a means of'suppressing' the habits of non-drinkers and the thriving market of the region's robust wineries, but also and most importantly an economic opportunity.

It will be vital to develop specialised vocational training for the students of the associated agricultural institutions; as a result, they will find it easier to acquire employment in wine-growing firms and have more options to start their own businesses.

The precise objectives are:

The activities of the WINOVATE project are largely addressed to secondary school trainers and administrators throughout Europe. All those who are interested in learning more about non-alcoholic wine production and opportunities can actually access the project's outputs and resources for free.

Along with trainers and school administrators, secondary school students are also a target audience for the project because they will indirectly benefit from the new skills acquired by trainers and have the opportunity to approach new and innovative tools.

In selecting trainers and students, the criteria for involving individuals with physical, social, and economic difficulties will be examined. Trainers will be selected in conjunction with the EU project manager and the Consortium, while students will be selected via online meetings with trainers and the Consortium. The selected providers will mostly target rural and underserved areas. Several variables, including awareness, assessment, planning, preparation, execution, and evaluation, will be considered by the project to ensure that individuals with disadvantages are completely engaged and supported.

Additionally, the project will strive for sustainability by integrating inclusive practises into school culture. Each educator will be awarded an official certification.

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