
We live in a world of limitless possibilities. We are probably only limited by the time we spend here.

The Ant Theory (2020 - 2021)

Journey of an ant at my home discovering about distant planets. Since the ant itself is a small creature it is unable to build a rocket and plans it's journey hitchhiking a Quantum Teleportation device made my man.

The Open Time Capsule (2020 - 2021)

Quantum Communication - makes interplanetary communication instantaneous and possible. Same technology allows human being to teleport.

Nano bots - can heal all diseases. For humans that decide to stay in the same form. They also clean your house and keep the world clean of pollutants.

Quantum Printing - Print anything, Perform Alchemy, Materials are no longer valuable to human beings.

To see us human beings think beyond language, race, caste, religion, country etc.

Let the Gods fight and win the wars, may human beings live is peace and harmony.