
Any type of program that sends e-mails through the Winlink system will work for checking into the Winlink Wednesday net. Winlink Express does utilize the HTML Templates, which makes checking in easy. However, if the program of choice does not use the HTML Templates, here are the instructions on how to check in.

In the body of the message, place the following information separated by a tab (not just spaces). This is how the information is sent if you are using the Winlink Express template. It makes it much easier to tally the results.

date time (local time)<tab> call sign <tab> call sign <tab> location<tab>GPS Coordinates<tab>MGRS Coordinates<tab> ham band <tab> session type <tab> Gateway node <tab> Comments

Date Time - please put in the format MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm. Typical 24 hour time works great.

Call Sign - This is your call sign. Just enter it twice as shown above (it's not a type-o)

Location - Put your City,State and the Gateway Node you're trying to connect to e.g. McKinney, TX (KD5EOC-10)

GPS Coordinates - If you know your current GPS coordinates, put them in decimal form with Latitude<space>Longitude

MGRS Coordinates - If you know your MGRS Coordinates, put them here.

Ham Band - Use one of the following values:

  • -N/A- (for Telnet / AREDN sessions)

  • VHF

  • 220

  • UHF

  • HF Amateur

  • HF Shares

Session - Use one of the following values:

  • Telnet

  • Packet

  • Ardop

  • Vara HF

  • Vara FM

  • Pactor

  • Other

Gateway Node - If you know the node you will connect with, go ahead and put it here. Typically it's easier to know with VHF / UHF connections, but not impossible to know with HF connections.

Comments - Each week the comments will be different. This is to keep a little more interest going on with the net and to help keep it from being a little mundane. Each Tuesday a reminder will be sent with the question of the week. The comment will be based upon that question.