Recommended Games

No words can express the great times this game has brought me. The Denpa Men series is an often-overlooked unique RPG series on the 3Ds family of handhelds. In this game, you catch little people known as Denpa Men, who are found in radio waves. You move your Nintendo 3Ds camera around to aim and shoot nets to catch these little people, and it can be quite fun catching them in of itself! After you've some, you're set off on a grand adventure throughout the land, beating down awesome, wacky, and unique monsters, leveling up, and catching more Denpa Men! The gameplay is simple turn-based combat, but the addition of Denpa Men Antennae spice things up, offering unique elemental abilities or abilities that harm your opponent with ailments such as poison or sleep. It's very fun and easy to use!

The third game in the series, The Rise of Digitoll, is quite frankly, my second favorite RPG of all time, and my 9th favorite game of all time. This game uses the same fighting system as the first games, and you catch Denpa Men much the same way, but it amplifies it to an awesome level, as well as adds some amazing things. The world is big, and fun to explore. Monsters, new and old, are awesome to fight. The graphics are awesome for the 3Ds, and the music and sound effects sound great! This game has an awesome soundtrack, by the way! I don't know how the guys that made this game did it, but it really is the best of the three Denpa Men games. I can't recommend it enough.

Cave Story!

Man, oh man. Cave Story. This game and I have so many memories. Cave Story is a 16-bit platform/shooter game similar to that of Metroid, but with some unique features of its own. You play as a mute robot whose name is (spoilers), in, well, a cave. The main gimmick is you go around and shoot stuff with the awesome and unique weapons that you acquire over your awesome journey. The story is one of the best you'll ever experience, with twists and turns, and even some very dark moments. The graphics look awesome as a modern-day 16-bit game, and the music, new and old, is joy to your ears. And man, you can get this game on so many platforms! Computers, mobile devices, Wii, 3Ds, Nintendo Switch,! And here's the kicker: it was all made by one guy. I'll let that sink in.

Yes. A lone Japanese developer named Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya made it all. Gameplay, music, graphics, story, everything. He's awesome.

This game is so good! I can't recommend it enough to all of you!

Ah, Super Paper Mario. My second favorite game of all time, and my favorite Mario game. What can be said about this awesome, platforming RPG adventure? How about that it's AWESOME!

Super Paper Mario is, as I said, a 2D, platforming RPG, but in no way is it your regular RPG! You jump around as Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi, through many colorful and expertly designed worlds, experiencing one of the truly greatest stories in all of gaming, with amazing and funny writing, accompanied by these new companions called Pixls, that can perform various things for you as Partners did in past Paper Mario games! The catch this time, is that Mario can go 3D! With the press of the A button, you can shift the world from 2D into 3D, and it's brilliant! It brings a whole new perspective to levels, as some ways through and some enemies can only be found in 3D.

All of this makes an amazing game, and I can't recommend it enough, like the other two. It's only for the Wii, but is now being sold as a Nintendo Selects copy at Walmart and stuff, so go get it! Now!