Microsoft's Windows

Windows : News Items [speculation & facts] that you may not have seen.

A must read if you need to know more about "TPM" & "Secure Boot"

Click here for a very well written and informative article [09/11/2021] that clearly explains everything about TPM and Secure Boot (with step by step warnings and recommendations) and will prove useful if you are in any doubt about the suitability of your existing computer with regards to it running Windows 11, effectively. 

See also this helpful video for enabling TPM for Windows 11. 

How, and Where, to get it ?

Click here for an article [03/01/2022] with lots of relevant information.

What's in it ?

Click here for a Review Geek article [27/06/2021] entitled "Everything We Know About Windows 11 So Far" which includes ....

Apps, Widgets, Teams, Desktop, Snap Layout, Snap Groups

Click here for a CNET article [28/06/2021] entitled "All the best new Windows 11 features and how to use them

Taskbar Customisation

Click here for a MakeTechEasier article [31/01/2022] entitled "24 of the Best Tips to Use and Customise Windows 11 Taskbar 

AMD & ARM Compatibility

Click here for a Review Geek article [25/06/2021] entitled "Don’t Worry: Windows 11 Android Apps Work With AMD and ARM CPUs" 

What's In & What's Out ?

Click here to see a ZDNET article [24/06/2021] entitled "Windows 11: Microsoft deletes these Windows 10 features and apps" with some information not published elsewhere [yet ?] that is worth checking out.

If you are a 'light' user then you will probably not be affected much, but if you use any of the features that appear in the lengthy list then you had better take a closer look.

Windows 10 : Support pages [Microsoft & CNET] that you may not have seen.

 Links to Microsoft's information about Windows 10

 Links to CNET Articles about Windows 10

 Links to how To Geek Articles about Windows 10

... and here is a BIT of tongue in cheek fun !

What can only be described as Microsoft Windows ?

64-bit implementation of a

  32-bit extension to a

    16-bit graphical shell for a

      8-bit operating system originally coded for a

        4-bit microprocessor by a

          2-bit company that can't stand

            1 bit of competition

Thank goodness things have improved in recent years !