The Windows 95 startup sound is something special. The first time it was not just a simple signal, but a jingle. The story behind it is something with Brian Eno, on aseparate page . Duration: about 6 seconds.

Think twice about messing around with the registry. Unless you are an advanced techie, tweaking the registry could be risky business. Besides, there is no guarantee that the shutdown sound tweak will work. Instead, buy a small, inexpensive USB-powered cooling fan and connect it to one of the USB Ports, preferably a front panel port, on your computer. This way, when you initiate a shutdown, the fan will stop spinning, and you will be able to tell for sure that your computer has powered off successfully. Simple and reliable. 

Windows Xp Startup And Shutdown Sound Download

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

Think twice about messing around with the registry. Unless you are an advanced techie, tweaking the registry could be risky business. Besides, there is no guarantee that the shutdown sound tweak will work. Instead, buy a small, inexpensive USB-powered cooling fan and connect it to one of the USB Ports, preferably a front panel port, on your computer. This way, when you initiate a shutdown, the fan will stop spinning, and you will be able to tell for sure that your computer has powered off successfully. Simple and reliable.

I see in one of your comments that you're not too keen on using the terminal, but this here link has all the commands required to set a custom shutdown sound. Take a look at the highest upvoted answer, you can copy and paste this into your terminal.

i have been trying to get a windows startup/shutdown sound to play, i couldn't get the sounds to play so i asked on Microsoft, here is the link -us/windows/forum/all/cannot-change-windows-start-up-sound/8bbcb0a0-1402-4f1e-b080-9c8d526bc205and i was told that its not possible. well too bad because i am not going to stop there, so i went to local group policy editor on windows 10 where you can choose scripts to run during shutdown and start up. i then wrote a very small PowerShell command with the file name of "shutdown.ps1" the code inside of shutdown.ps1 isstart "C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown\TADA.wav"this file is located in the C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown directory along with the TADA.wav file that it plays when it shuts down.

now the issue i am having is that when windows is shutting down, its ending all processes so it does not play the sound. what can i do to change that?I'm pretty new to all of this and am very grateful for any input you can give.thanks in advance,Devin

In Windows 10 there is no way to change the Windows Startup Sound, that sound is set permanently in a DLL in Windows, it is not an audio file like the other system sounds, and even when you turn on the Startup sound on that dialog, sometimes the startup sound will play and other times it will not, this is a known bug in Windows 10, which seems to have been fixed in Windows 11

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add startup and shutdown sounds with Openbox, a light-weight window manager. In theory, this should work with any window manager that uses a startup script (or, if you use the startx command, .xinitrc could be used for the same effect); however, I will be focusing on Openbox, so you will have to adapt these instructions for use with other window managers.

We'll start with a quick background story: I was in a "tweaking" mood a few days ago, and I figured I'd try to set up some startup and shutdown noises for use with Openbox. After a few minutes of messing around, I got it working. I searched to see if there were any tutorials like this, and since there weren't, I figured I would share my knowledge--that's what tutorials are for, right?

There are plenty of startup and shutdown noises floating around the web; I went to gnome- and kde-look to check out theirs (the same are available at both sites). Here's a link to the System Sounds section at gnome-look. You can look through and download the ones that interest you; once you have listened to a few and found one that you like, go on. Just for reference, I chose the Dream pack. It fits very nicely with my current setup and theme.

Step 4: Setting up the shutdown/startup scripts.

If you haven't already (in the last step), extract the sound files from the package that they downloaded in. Then, look through the files and find the startup and shutdown noises. For me, they were titled Dream Intro.ogg and shutdown.ogg, respectively. Move these files into their own folder. I chose ~/.startup--on my Arch install, it was empty. You may want to put it into a different folder/sub-folder, preferably somewhere in your home folder. You can now remove all the other sound files--hypothetically speaking, it probably wouldn't be too hard to get other sounds (such as minimize, maximize, etc., if provided in the sounds package you chose) working with Openbox, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Now, go to the folder in which you placed the startup and shutdown noises. For simplicity's sake, we're going to place the scripts in this same folder.

We're going to be making two scripts here--one for reboot and one for shutdown. Open up your text editor of choice here and enter the following line (replacing the "/path/to/file.extension" with the path to your shutdown sound):

What this does is play the sound file specified and, once that is done, moves on to the reboot process (that's what && does). Save this as Now make a new file, this time for the actual shutdown. It will be the same as the first except the shutdown command will now be sudo shutdown -h now. Here's what mine looks like:

Step 5: Adding the shutdown options to the Openbox menu.

At this point, the login sound will be working; however, we still need to set up the shutdown sounds. To do this, we will add a section to the Openbox menu that runs the two scripts we made in the last step.

And with that, you should have working startup and shutdown sounds. You can test it by right clicking on your desktop and selecting one of your new shutdown options. You should have a sound play followed by the normal shutdown routine. Then when your computer starts back up, you will have a pleasant noise after logging on.

I am running the latest version of Windows 10 (clean install + update a few days ago), and I am trying to set my startup/shutdown, login/logoff, and unlock sounds to be the windows XP startup and shutdown sound (because I am a nerd, and they make me happy). I have followed a bunch of different tutorials to try to accomplish this, all pretty much saying the same thing. Basically, I have tried the following:

When starting the machine, the windows 7 (not XP, what I would like) startup sound plays when I get to the login view, and that's it. There is no sound if I sleep and then unlock, nor any sound when I logoff/shutdown.

Hi, Various users have experienced this (even me). I do get a sound however if I use a different DE - the best one for startup and shut-down sounds is Cinnamon DE but it no longer works properly for me now in respect of wallpapers not showing. I do get sound with LXQt at startup and KDE (Plasma) at startup, but not on Core (Gnome). I should also point out that I am using a Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 5.1 Sond Card which meant I had to blacklist both HDMI and onboard sound to get any sound out at all!

On a couple occasions, I installed Mate Desktop on Zorin. Whenever I did, I suddenly developed startup sounds. Never found where they were located. After removal of Mate D.E., the sounds remained.

At one point, I remember they drove me crazy enough that I did a wipe and reload to get rid of them.

Jensen Harris, the former Director of Program Management for the Windows User Experience team, explains in a new video the history of startup sounds in computers and what had happened to the Windows startup sound. The startup sound is no longer a part of Windows starting in Windows 8.

Harris names the number of reasons of the startup sound removal. The main reason is development of Windows on ARM and the increasingly mobile use of PCs. The company has begun monitoring how people use their computers, Harris said, with more people using laptop computers like laptops in multiple locations. Mobility came with other considerations. Also, the company began planning for the Surface platform, and that assumption shifted primarily to mobile devices when the team began porting the OS to ARM-based hardware.

Thanks for this interesting read and video. Windows 8 had a new audio jingle in C:\Windows\Media that was never played, so I guess that maybe this is the startup sound that Jensen is mentioning in his video: =ZceeXT6HAeI

Engine startup sounds would be great upon pushback or turning seatbelt sign on and shutdown sounds when turning the seatbelt sign off. An example of startup is shown below on a Boeing 777. Hear the startup sound from 2:25.

I have always been pretty fond of the Windows XP sounds, so I will be using those, though any .mp3, .m4a, or .wav file will work. I downloaded my sounds from, which has a wide assortment of windows startup and shutdown sounds, free.


By default, the startup sound has been removed to improve the boot time and performance since windows 8. However, there are options we can change via either control panel or the GPO to enable the startup sound.

However, kindly note that as mentioned in both shared links, only a a full shut down will bring back the startup sound which is different than simply choose Shutdown option: 

How to play the logon or startup sound in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 


Change Windows Startup and Shutdown Sounds 

"you have to perform a full shutdown in Windows 8 in order to hear the login sound when you startup. In order to perform a full shutdown in 8.1, you have to right-click on the Start Button, choose Shut down or sign out and then click on Shut down." e24fc04721

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