my code isn't function well on windows tablet. I'm using slick-slider plug-in. and it should be deactivated if user are using touch devices.I've inspected my site on windows tablet and instead of having "touch" class i have "no-touch" here is my code

There is not any straightforward API call to detect if a Windows is PC or Tablet.Microsoft Surface Pro can be a tablet when you have it in your hand, and it can be a laptop when you connect it to your mouse and put in on table.

Windows Tablet


I use an old version of this:

Ā -mini-desktop-349513--1#!&tab=features

With a full size 24" monitor, I could just never get used to windows on a tiny tablet display. I paid $99 for it brand new with wireless mouse and keyboard. Runs CM just fine as well as CC and VCarve Desktop, albeit not as quickly as my desktop.

There's an app called VirtualTablet that I believe does what you're asking. You install it on your tablet/laptop and on your desktop, and it lets you use the tablet as an input for the desktop. It won't have all of the features of a drawing tablet, and there might be some lag depending on the quality of your connection, but from my brief experience it gets the job done!

In Windows 10 in the Anniversary Update, there are three special apps that work with a digital pen and is meant for touchscreen laptops or tablets. The built-in apps feature post-it notes, a sketch pad, and a screen capture and annotation tool. You can use the feature to find more apps built to work with Windows Ink.

Select which program you want to use. Sticky Notes can be used without the pen (it's actually designed for a slightly different purpose). The Sketch Pad and Screen Sketch programs are both best used with a pen and tablet.

So it turns out TeamViewer can do the job. TeamViewer is very similar to VNC, but it allows more functions for their free version. It is possible to run a connection over the local network (which increases speed). In the end, you can simply TeamViewer from the tablet into the desktop work like that.

I have a solution I use in Linux with a Thinkpad X201 Tablet that might also work for you, or at least give you some ideas. It forwards the tablet device over an ethernet crossover cable or LAN switch.

Either connect an ethernet cable directly between computers (most any modern PC supports this, my PowerBook G4 from 2004 even supported it) or from the tablet through an intermediary switch/router on the same network as the desktop.

After you have your computers connected together (directly or through a LAN), set up a VNC (or RDP, if you're in Windows) server on your desktop. In linux, X11VNC will let you see your normal desktop instead of creating a whole new X display. Connect to it from a VNC/RDP client on the tablet.

Now, this is the tricky bit. It should already work as-is if you don't care about pressure, pen angle, and that sort of thing. If you do, however, most old Wacom Penabled tablet PC's used internal serial port style buses to connect their digitizers. Since they're serial ports, all we need to do is first kill off inputattach on linux (or whatever program your given OS is running to translate data from your serial port into HID events), and then forward the serial port over the network via socat.

Then, to start using it as a tablet device, run this on the desktop (--w8001 is the type of tablet on my system; it might be different on yours. 38400 is the baud rate. See the inputattach(1) man page).

For Windows, it may be possible to make a virtual COM port (not sure how, though) and coerce the correct tablet driver into using it. Since most windows drivers are not open source, I can't help too much there. But the basic VNC solution should work.

However when using the app's with the barcode scanner they don't seem to be supported in a windows environment. This is also mentioned in the support site of Microsoft (which I found out of coarse after the investment).

Tablet mode is a new, adaptive user experience offered in Windows 10 that optimizes the look and behavior of apps and the Windows shell for the physical form factor and customer's usage preferences. This document describes how to implement tablet mode on 2-in-1 devices and tablets, specifically how to switch in and out of "tablet mode."

In addition, when a 2-in-1 device changes from clamshell to tablet, the keyboard and touchpad can receive accidental presses from the user holding the tablet. Windows does not support ignoring input from the built-in keyboard and touchpad when a convertible changes into a tablet. We expect that device manufacturers do work in their hardware or software to avoid unintentional input during the form factor change, and test it thoroughly. The following table shows a few of the common errors that can occur, along with use cases that could cause them. These use cases should be tested to prevent the user from having a poor switching experience:

With the ConvertibleSlateMode setting, you specify the physical ability of the device, which impacts physical behaviors of the device (such as rotation and onscreen keyboard), and you help define the appropriate first use experience that will be presented to an end user. If you specify laptop mode, an end user can type on a physical keyboard. If you specify tablet mode, an end user cannot type on a physical keyboard, because the keyboard is removed or the keyboard is flipped back so that it is inaccessible.

With the ConvertibleSlateModePromptPreference setting, you can specify whether to prompt the user to enter or exit tablet mode. The device form factor or product design will influence whether you choose to show the prompt. If you choose to hide the prompt, the mode is not switched. (That is, if tablet mode is on, it stays on, and if tablet mode is off, it stays off.) If you want the prompt to appear when the hardware event occurs, you need to implement a hardware or software solution to toggle this setting.

You use the SignInMode setting to specify whether to set the display to tablet mode or to desktop mode after a user logs on. If you do not explicitly set this value, the default is tablet if the screen size is less than 10 inches and your preferred power management profile (power platform role) is slate (that is, a tablet form factor). Otherwise, the default is the last setting used. If there is no previous setting, the last setting used is considered to be desktop.

Rotation lock is set to enabled (or locked) by default. Unless OEMs set the rotation lock to unlocked, customers unboxing new tablets might be frustrated by OOBE not rotating to landscape or portrait according to how they hold their new devices. By disabling rotation lock, OEMs can make sure customers are delighted with the responsiveness of their new devices, even before they explore the ease of managing the rotation lock setting in the Quick Actions area of the Action Center.

If customers select the Always show all icons in the notification area setting, the above behavior will turn off, and the notification area will revert to the same contents and behavior as if tablet mode were not being used.

When entering tablet mode, the Touch Keyboard button will be hidden. Its visibility can be controlled via the Show touch keyboard button setting in the tablet mode taskbar context menu.

You can take advantage of tablet mode by using Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Classic Windows APIs in your apps. Using these APIs, you can tailor the user experience of your app to be touch-first for tablet mode or mouse-first for desktop usage. This section describes how to use both the UWP and Classic Windows APIs in your applications to detect and react to tablet mode.

When your device enters or exits tablet mode, the shell prompts the user to switch modes. You can use this as a trigger to optimize your app for the current interaction mode. You must query for the current state of the system, as in the following examples.

If the tablet has wireless, then you could buy a wireless network card for the computer (they're as low as 2$ on eBay, cheap usb network cards) and a wireless router - the router would act like a network switch, connecting both computers in a wireless network.

Tablet mode makes Windows 10 more touch-friendly when using your device as a tablet. Select action centerĀ  on the taskbar (next to the date and time), and then select Tablet mode to turn it on or off.

I am looking for a tablet that can run excel macros. Information via googling hasn't been very helpful so I'm trying here. Does anyone know of a tablet that can run excel with macros? Or the specifications necessary for a tablet to run excel with macros?

I'm thinking about exploring Windows options which may allow me to do more whilst away from home and considering a Microsoft Surface Pro 9 (i7 12th gen with 16gb Ram) but concerned the GPU might struggle with Topaz AI software so wondering if anyone else has gone a tablet route which work with GPU intensive software?

I run it on a cybermed i5 medical tablet computer with 8 gig ram, solid state drive and Windows 10 no problem. The active pen works for a lot of things but I use a mouse too. I do most of my drawing on my Mac and transfer things to the tablet to plug it into the laser and my camera. I got the windows tablet to be able to use my camera.

I know this is Christmas Eve and so if you are seeing this note today you might be thinking, Get a Life Michael! But I have a compassionate reason for writing this today. The reason is that many of you may be getting a small Windows tablet for Christmas (or for some other adjacent Holiday), and now are wondering how to use desktop Outlook on it in tablet mode. I am here to help.

But you can fix that. There are number of settings you can make both in the Windows 10 OS and in desktop Outlook that will make desktop Outlook fully usable on a small windows tablet. I list those below.

I need to purchase a windows tablet or ipad that I can use to work and still track my hourly time when I don't have my laptob with me, will this be possible , I have checked prevoies questions but since they were many years ago , I would like to check if there is any updates , not very expensive tablets or Ipads , this would benefit my work a lot. 2351a5e196

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