I have 64-bit Oracle Database Server ( installed on Windows 2008 R2, and naturally, it automatically installs the 64-bit client. I have to install an application onto this server that is 32-bit and requires the 32-bit Oracle client. (Don't Ask - I can't install the 64-bit version of this app, it won't work with the 64-bit client, and I can't install it on another server.)

However, when i tried to run "SQLplus system/system" with the 32-bit version it gives me the "ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error". When I go into the folder with the 64-bit sqlplus.exe and ran it (directly and not through PATH), the "system/system" credentials worked fine.

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How can i get the 32-bit Client to run on the same server as the 64-bit Oracle Server?I know in linux/Unix, you simply put in the lib32 folder into the the 64-bit client folder and set a couple of environment variables, but i'm pretty sure it's not that simple in Windows.

Currently I am pushing SEP to several servers we administer. While this runs smoothly for those running 32-bit Windows, on many running 64-bits version installation fails. In our SEP Manager we currently have SEP 11.0.6005.562 and 11.0.7000.0 available, both in 32- and 64-bit version. Initially I tried to push SEP 11.0.7000.0 for WIN64BIT to these computers but as it failed I tried also with 11.0.6005.562.

Thanks to the article How to troubleshoot a failed install of SEP or SEPM? -troubleshoot-failed-install-sep-or-sepm the installation logs on the machines report: This version of Symantec Endpoint Protection does not support 64-bit platforms. Please install Symantec Endpoint Protection for Win64 instead even though it was the version for 64-bit that was selected in SEP Manager.

For the terminal servers where I needed to install SEP, I exported the install-package from SEPM and used install mode. A couple of times I also got this This version of Symantec Endpoint Protection does not support 64-bit platforms. Please install Symantec Endpoint Protection for Win64 instead even though the version for 64-bit was used. In all the cases with these errors the OS is Windows Server 2008 or Server 2008R2.

This version of Symantec Endpoint Protection does not support 64-bit platforms. Please install Symantec Endpoint Protection for Win64 - this error should basically only appear when it is tried to install the 32bit install packaged on a 64bit OS.

As SEPM doesn't give a hint why the installation failed, I tried to install manually on some of the servers and this succeeded in several cases but in some it also failed with the mentioned error but then I assumed that I made a mistake selecting package, features and instalgroup (AD OU).

In SEPM I can see this had certainly not been the case for the failed push-installs as there in one window it shows the selected package below and the OS for the selected computers in the description column, both showing 64-bit and therefore I know the log on the target-machine next to it is not my error.

As mentioned I installed manually on the Terminal Servers too (in install mode). On one 64-bit TS the install completed 'successfully', it does register in SEPM and the green dot appeared in the SEP-icon, but disappeared later on as SEP reports Antivirus and Antispyware are disabled and Outlook Autoprotect is malfunctioning, but that is another issue.

Still the application fails to load the Odbc Driver, if I run the exact same code on an x86 dev machine it works as expected, it also works on my x86 IIS7; I'd like to avoid building another production web server for this one WebApp, so any help is appreciated.

Do you have other dll's that could be accessing the ODBC driver in "Any" instead of 32-bit mode? That would likely be your problem, we had a similar issue and resolved it by switching the assemblies that called the driver to be 32-bit only ... but left the web app as "Any" (64-bit).

You can also check for the existence of the x86 version of the Program Files directory (or the environment variable that points to it) since it would only exist on a 64-bit system. Unlike the PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE variable, this is not dependant on the way that the command prompt is run since the directory exists (or not) regardless of how the prompt is opened:

Although this is not the ideal answer, and systeminfo.exe should be your preferred method of determining the system type, i.e. 32-bit or 64-bit, this solution runs a little faster if you do not want to wait for systeminfo.exe to finish its work.

The Windows Server operating system running in full 64-bit mode on Intel or AMD x86 processors is known as 64-bit Windows Server. Most instances of Windows Server ran in 32-bit mode, even if hosted on a machine whose hardware supported 64-bit mode, up until Windows Server 2008 R2 began shipping. From that point forward, Windows Server will only operate in 64-bit mode, and all new installations are, therefore, 64-bit.

What would be the advantages of upgrading the Windows Server OS and SQL Server to the corresponding 64 bit versions, with the server applications remaining as 32 bit? The 64 bit versions allow access to more than 4 GB of RAM, but since 4 GB is not being fully utilized would that render the upgrade moot?

The sole disadvantage is that the 64-bit version of SQL Server will use 64-bit pointers. This means pointers will occupy twice as much memory, consume twice as much memory bandwidth, and so on. This is likely fairly negligible, but it is a disadvantage. It's partially compensated by the fact that switching to a 64-bit application will allow you to ditch the overhead of the compatibility layer 32-bit apps have to use to access a 64-bit OS's functions.

The major advantage is that numerous significant improvements were made in the CPU instruction set over time. Some of them were made along with the change to 64-bits and some of them were made previously.

But even for the ones made previously, the 32-bit build has to handle CPUs that don't have those features and to avoid the hassle of detection and switching between multiple instances, just doesn't use them even where they're present. For example, 64-bit CPUs must have SSE2, but 32-bit CPUs might not. So most 32-bit code just doesn't bother checking and assumes no SSE2. 64-bit code is assured SSE2 instructions are present and so will use it if it's the best option.

In addition, a 64-bit process can make use of large amounts of virtual memory. This is especially important with processes that access large amounts of structured data on disk. And, of course, they can use 64-bit integer operations which tend to improve the performance of encryption, compression, and even some filesystem operations on large filesystems.

If you are using a library of CLR User-Defined Functions, it will become bit-incompatible. 32-bit DLLs cannot be generally used in 64-bit software and vice versa. If you cannot get 64-bit version of some UDF library you use, you will lose that specific extension.

Basically it is the same issue as upgrading any 32-bit software with its add-ons to its 64-bit version. You also need to switch all add-ons to their 64-bit versions. Generally it is easy, but the problem are discontinued ones where replacements are not available.

Large memory addressing: The 64-bit architecture offers a larger directly-addressable memory space. SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) is not bound by the 4 GB memory limit of 32-bit systems. Therefore, more memory is available for performing complex queries and supporting essential database operations. This greater processing capacity reduces the penalties of I/O latency by utilizing more memory than traditional 32-bit systems.

Enhanced parallelism: The 64-bit architecture provides advanced parallelism and threading. Improvements in parallel processing and bus architectures enable 64-bit platforms to support larger numbers of processors (up to 64) while providing close to linear scalability with each additional processor. With a larger number of processors, SQL Server can support more processes, applications, and users in a single system.

The most dramatic results I saw on going from 32-bit to 64-bit SQL Server (this was SQL Server 2005) was about a 40% speed boost on a client's major application. All we did was install the 64-bit SQL Server, everything else was the same! That was a major performance boost in the real world.

You can have better multitasking performance especially with programs that have heavy multithreading built in. Moreover u can install more ram with 64-bit os. But do this only if the processor supports 64-bit instructions.

The configured guest OS (Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)) for this virtual machine does not match the guest that is currently running (Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit))

119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

Download and run the Clearcompressionflag.exe tool from the following links:

Download the Clearcompressionflag tool for 32-bit versions of Windows 8.1

Download the Clearcompressionflag tool for 64-bit versions of Windows 8.1

Download the Clearcompressionflag tool for 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2012 R2

Note The tool runs silently in the background. No message is displayed when it finishes the cleanup. You can just try to install update 2919355 after you run the tool.

I have a server that was originally 64 bit windows 2008 standard, however when it was put into production it was downgraded to 32bit version (done before I started to work for my current company) So with that we now are facing some limitations such as memory cannot be upgraded and it's maxed at 4gb. This is server holds the following services...

The sever is less then 3 yrs old and would like to stay with same windows since we already have the media and the key for it. Yeah the backup and reinstall is the option that I can do. But was wondering if there are other options. 2351a5e196

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