Because both of these problems can cause similar symptoms, you must know how to isolate one cause from the other. 

Because each file format can be compressed by using a variety of codecs, try to play multiple files of the same format; some that use the same codec as the problem file and some that use a different codec. Try playing a completely different format media file. 

For example, a .wmv video file may use two different codecs: MPEG Layer-3 (mp3) for audio and MPEG4 for video. If audio playback problems occur with this .wmv video file but other mp3 files play correctly, this file may be corrupted. If other mp3 files also do not play correctly, the codec may be damaged.

 Test playback of the file by using the Mplayer2.exe program. The Mplayer2.exe program is located in the C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player folder. Because both players share common components such as DirectShow, and because MPlayer2 is less complex in design than Media Player 9, this is a good test for basic functionality. All formats that are available in Media Player 9 can be tested in MPlayer2 except CD audio and DVD. 

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To troubleshoot local playback in most scenarios, try to identify the difference between the files that play correctly and the files that do not. If you can play some file types, but you cannot other file types, a codec may be damaged. To test playback, use a file that you know is good.

For additional information about supported Windows Media Player multimedia file formats, and to download known good sample files to use for troubleshooting, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Windows Media Player Test Video Download


316992 Windows Media Player multimedia file formats

If the known good file plays correctly, your file may be corrupted or the codec may not be supported. 

Some media files may require a third-party codec, such as DivX, to be installed before they will play correctly. Some third-party codecs may install themselves at a higher priority than the codecs that are already installed on the computer. This may cause previously working media files to no longer play correctly. If this is the case, you may see video files that play audio but no video, video that appears upside-down, or otherwise corrupted video. Try to remove the third-party codec. 

Try to play a known good video file in the same format that is causing the problems, and then try to play a known good video file in a different format. To download known good sample video files to use for troubleshooting, click the article number that is listed earlier in this article.

After you test multiple video formats, if you find that only one type of file is having a problem, a codec issue may be causing the problem. If you experience codec problems, try to reinstall Windows Media Player.

If you cannot successfully play any video files, there may be a DirectX or a display driver problem. To test for DirectX or display driver problems, click Start, click Run, type DXDiag in the Open box, and then click OK. Click the Display tab, and then click Test DirectDraw. 

If DirectX tests successfully, you may have to update your display drivers. If DirectX does not test successfully, you may have to download and install the latest version of DirectX. 

 For additional information about troubleshooting DirectDraw issues, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

190900 DirectX: Description of the DirectX Diagnostic Tool

Troubleshooting remote media is similar to troubleshooting local media. All the troubleshooting steps for local media playback apply. When you troubleshoot remote or streaming media make sure that your Internet connection is working correctly and that you can visit the Web site where the media exists. If you use third-party firewall software, make sure that it is disabled. 

You use the MPlayer2 player to test streaming media. To do so, start MPlayer2 (located in the C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player folder). On the File menu, click Open, and then type the URL for the streaming media in the Open box. 

Note To view streaming media in Windows Media Player, click Tools, click Options, and then click the Network tab. Verify that the Multicast, UDP, TCP, and HTTP check boxes are selected.

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When playing audio in an ICA session using Windows Media Player, it starts out working fine. If you fast forward or pause the playback and restart, the audio stops though media player appears as though it is playing. Also if you create a playlist and start playback, it plays the first selection in the list ok, it will appear to play the 2nd selection but no audio is heard. I created an RDP connection to one of the XenApp servers and the audio works fine. I have duplicated this issue on a Windows client, HP thin client and and iGel thin client. 

My environment is Windows Server 2008 R2 with Xenapp 6.5 running a published Desktop.

Find out if Windows Media Player is installed. Windows Media Player is a media player developed by Microsoft that can play audio and video. It runs on Microsoft Windows, as well as on Pocket PC and Windows Mobile-based devices.

The WMP plugin test pages Thailand Videos at and Windows Media test at contain embedded media that require the Windows Media Player plugin.See the Testing plugins article other WMP plugin test pages.

The WMP plugin is not included in Windows 7/Vista [1] and may also be missing in other Windows systems. You may visit a site that includes embedded media requiring the WMP plugin and receive a message such as Unknown plugin (application/x-mplayer2) [2] or you may be incorrectly directed to reinstall the WMP program, which is not a solution, since reinstalling or updating Windows Media Player does not add the missing plugins [3].

Note: The new "Microsoft Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin" is preferable to the standard "Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library" included with Windows XP because the standard WMP plugin doesn't handle direct media links very well and may open a blank page if the media file (e.g., an .asx file) is not associated with any player. [23]

The players in the test links here have the status bar - it tells you what the player is doing. This is not always the case. Sometimes when you hit play on a player without a status bar, it seems like nothing happens - in fact, the player is probably just downloading enough of the file to start playing it (buffering) and if you give it a moment, it will start.

The production web site has the .mp4 MIME type as video/mpeg, which apparently is incorrect -- see here. Whereas the test server has the MIME type set correctly -- video/mp4 -- but media player says it can't play the file. (And changing the MIME type to match the production web site doesn't fix the issue.)

Which would seem to indicate the MIME type is not the problem.

In all cases the software is set to loop and a local file logs the time until the laptop shuts off (at 1% battery life remaining). All of the video players were using the default GPU decoding (DXVA) for the initial testing; I am in the process of running additional tests (e.g. MPCHC will be retested with EVR mode enabled). Here are the current results.

The reason this type of solution is insufficient is that it requires the script to stay running for the playback controls to work. Using the "open player" method in my test script is different because it launches the player that stays open even after the script ends. This implies that the player that launches is not connected anymore to the $oWM object because that is deleted when the script finishes. Try your test script using the openplayer method instead of the URL method and you'll see what I mean. It won't work.

Why do you need a script to start the media player if you aren't trying to control it while it's running? If all you want to do is start it and let it run on its own, use a batch file. You're not at all clear as to what you're trying to accomplish. First you're complaining that it won't stop after your script ends, now you're complaining that what I posted won't keep it running after the script ends.

I need a script to control the media player but it must be a separate script from the one that started it. So I need to attach to the object of the currently running windows media player. One script to pause it and another script to play it and a different script to rewind it five seconds. I have reasons for needing to do it this way that aren't worth explaining. Just know that this creates the need to attach to an existing WMP object.

The original simple test script demonstrated my inability to Connect to the media player object once it was launched with the open player method. My "complaining" that it wouldn't stop playing in the sample script means that the object that I created with the open player method was not $oWM and therefore I couldnt control it.

Like I said, maybe a simpler challenge would be to write an autoit script that could attach to an existing Windows media player window and control it even if it is minimized. Doing that would demonstrate the ability to connect to an existing WMP object. Once I know how to do that then I can do everything else that I need. I don't know how else to explain it but if you have more specific questions I can try to answer. I do appreciate you and others trying to help

> then

> 1) WMP only runs every SECOND time I run the command, and

> 2) When it does run it plays the video but with a black screen - I

> know it has picked up Test.Avi as it gets the duration correct.


> If I double-click on D:\Test.avi from explorer, WMP plays the file

> correctly.


> If I go to a command prompt and type "D:\Test.avi", WMP plays the file

> correctly.


> If I go to media player's directory and type "wmplayer D:\Test.avi",

> WMP plays the file correctly.


> So, my shell execute command is wrong. But how ? Computers with other

> default players (Real Player for example) launch and run correctly

> with the above Shell Execute. e24fc04721

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