One of the first things you'll need to learn as you become more familiar with Command Prompt on Windows 10 is how to change directories in the operating system's file system. There are a few ways you can do this, so we'll walk you through them.

If the folder you want to open in Command Prompt is on your desktop or already open in File Explorer, you can quickly change to that directory. Type cd followed by a space, drag and drop the folder into the window, and then press Enter.

Windows Change Download Directory


cd DocumentsNote that this only works if you're in the immediate file structure. In our case, that would be (user folder) > Documents. In our current directory, we wouldn't be able to use this method to jump to a directory nested two levels down.

If you want to go back two directories, you can use multiple instances of .. together. Let's use the example where we're in C:\Users\Equinox\Documents\How-To Geek. Running cd .. will change the directory to "C:\Users\Equinox\Documents." But what if we wanted to go all the way back to our user folder? Just enter cd ..\.. instead. If you wanted to go back three directories you'd use ..\..\.. and so forth.

If you want to be a bit more efficient with your directory changes, type cd on the command line, then press Tab. Every time you press table it'll cycle through the folders in your current directory in alphabetical order (special characters first, then numbers, then letters).

If you want to to narrow things down a bit, you can type cd, followed by the first letter of the directory, and then press Tab multiple times until the correct directory appears. If you type the first few letters of the directory you want and those letters are unique to the folder you want, you can press Tab to autocomplete to directory name.

Windows tracks a separate working directory for each drive. You are currently on the 'C' drive in the working directory '\'. When you type cd d:\ it changes your working directory for the 'D' drive to '\' and has no effect on your C drive working directory. To change drives, just type D:. You can change both at the same time with the /d parameter to cd.

Your experience within the portal is highly dependent on the directory associated with the identity you used. To change directory tenants, an Admin has to add your identity as a user within the target directory.

To access another Active Directory, you need an active account with the necessary permissions and access to change directory tenants. An admin within the directory tenant you wish to access can either add you as:

I am a super newbie for Ubuntu and basically need Ubuntu for a Python package. I would like to run a Python file in say e:/username/folder1/folder2/ I tried every method online and the only reply is bash: cd./e: No such file or directory. I am not sure whether it is because of the bash windows or virtualenv.

When I use bash on Ubuntu on Windows, ls, it says VIRTUALENV_DIR. cd, it says /home/username. The cd .. etc changes the directory a little, but not another drive, nor the folder I would like it to find.

Yes, you can do that. I used shift + right click to get "Open Powershell here" whichever directory you want to bash and run 'bash' command, then run as usual enjoy. This is same as using Ubuntu bash as it uses same Python packages in the Windows Powershell after using 'bash' command.

with this little script you can execute every command from the directory your Powershell is currently in. It only works if the drive is already mounted to /mnt/ in the subsystem. It doesn't work with network resources.

An application can monitor the contents of a directory and its subdirectories by using change notifications. Waiting for a change notification is similar to having a read operation pending against a directory and, if necessary, its subdirectories. When something changes within the directory being watched, the read operation is completed. For example, an application can use these functions to update a directory listing whenever a file name within the monitored directory changes.

An application can specify a set of conditions that trigger a change notification by using the FindFirstChangeNotification function. The conditions include changes to file names, directory names, attributes, file size, time of last write, and security. This function also returns a handle that can be waited on by using the wait functions. If the wait condition is satisfied, FindNextChangeNotification can be used to provide a notification handle to wait on subsequent changes. However, these functions do not indicate the actual change that satisfied the wait condition.

The following example monitors the directory tree for directory name changes. It also monitors a directory for file name changes. The example uses the FindFirstChangeNotification function to create two notification handles and the WaitForMultipleObjects function to wait on the handles. Whenever a directory is created or deleted in the tree, the example should update the entire directory tree. Whenever a file is created or deleted in the directory, the example should refresh the directory.

Do you want to know how to change directories in the Windows Command Prompt (CMD)? The Windows Command Prompt allows you to use a variety of advanced commands that give you more control over your computer. However, when learning to use the Command Prompt, you will need to learn some basic commands, including how to navigate by changing directories. A directory is just another name for a folder. This wikiHow teaches you how to change directories in the Windows Command Prompt. To make changes in Command Prompt, you must be using an administrator account.

I just switched to Windows 10 and I am at kind of a loss on one of the most basic things. Not going into it but via cmd prompt I need to change directories to run test-code I make for my projects. The problem is, when I open folders to copy/paste the directory like (C/users/desktop) or whatever, in windows 10 it just shows up as Desktop, there is no directory.

In Windows, files are organized in directories (aka folders). The directories are organized in a hierarchical tree structure, starting from the so-called root directory for EACH of the hard drive (as illustrated). A directory may contain sub-directories and files. A sub-directory may contain sub-sub-directories and files, and so on.

Windows' file system is organized in drives, identified by a drive letter followed by a colon, e.g., C:, D: and E:. Each drive has its own root directory, such as C:\, D:\ and E:\, where the "\" (back-slash) denote the root directory of each drive.

To reference a file, you need to provide the drive letter, the directory name (aka pathname) and the filename. For example, in "C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\javac.exe", the drive letter is C:, the pathname is "\Program Files\java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\" and the filename is "javac.exe". The leading "\" (back-slash) denotes the root directory for that drive. The sub-directories are separated by "\" (back-slash).

Each CMD session maintains a so-called current drive and current working directory, which is shown in the prompt in the form of "drive:\path\to\current-directory>". All relative pathnames are relative to this current drive and current working directory.

You can specify new-path in two ways: absolute or relative. An absolute path begins with a "\" or root directory. A relative path is relative to the current working directory and does NOT begin with a leading "\". For example,

I have a bat file on windows that execute a procdump operation. The issue with the batch file is that I need to cd to the batch file directory first before executing the job, or else the script won't work.

Edit: The answer provided is working, but there is only one catch: if my current directory is different than the batch file directory, then I would get a "The system cannot find the path specified". Anyone has any ideas?

Anyway, regarding the note:

But note that this will still not give you the right behaviour when you're trying to execute your batch while the current directory is on another drive as cd doesn't change the active drive.

I am trying to install docker on win10 and it defaults to C:\Program Files\Docker. Is there anyway I can change the destination directory to be c:\users\xxx\Docker? I tried various options such as installing through CLI and using the msiexec INSTALL_DIR / TARGETDIR options and none of them seem to work. The default installer is not asking me for a target directory when I try to install.

Lets consider the current default installation path for docker is at C:\Program Files\Docker, and your target directory is at c:\Users\xxx\Docker , assuming the User Name is xxx. Note this target path could be on any drive such as E:\Docker, and you have to create the directory before creating the junction.

Once I started playing with Docker on Windows it quickly turned out that latest version heavily rely on WSL 2, in comparison to an older Hyper-V based approach. One thing that changed significantly during this technology transition was lack of a...

With SageMath 8.2 running natively under Windows 10, the Jupyter dashboard opens by default in the directory C:\Users\, so I then have to navigate to the desired directory that contains my Jupyter notebook .ipynb files.

Note: SAGE_ROOT=/opt/sagemath-8.3 (sage-sh) jean-pierre@ToshibaJPO:~$ sage-sethome "C:\Users\jean-pierre\Documents \SageMath\IPYNB" Sage home directory set to 'C:\Users\jean-pierre\Documents\SageMath\IPYNB' Close and restart all Sage sessions for the new setting to take effect.

Starting on SageMath 8.3 for Windows, the installer gives you the option (when you do a single-user install) to specify the directory that you wish to be your "home" directory for all things included in the Sage distribution.

When I change the .cfg file as you have suggested I get an error message, even when I point to a valid directory on my d: drive. I tried the following within the sasv9.cfg file by replacing the existing option for -WORK: e24fc04721

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