I am using Windows Vista Business. I installed the Microsoft "critical updates" via the Windows Update tool on September 14, 2010. After rebooting, the theme seems to have changed to the "Windows Classic" style, and all of the options I've looked at in Personalization and and Themes don't allow me to change it back. I've been using the Windows Vista "look" for more than 2 years, along with the Aero transparent window features, and now they're gone! The "Themes" menu doesn't even list any other themes besides Windows Classic.

I know about System Restore, and will probably try that if my back really gets up against the wall, but before I get to that point does anyone know of something I might try to get my regular Vista UI back that doesn't involve reversing the windows updates, reintalling windows, or buying Windows 7?

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I had this same problem. No need to uninstall any updates, you just need to reboot your computer again, a second time (after the automatic reboot following the Windows Update), and you get your usual theme back.

Tweaking the settings won't work, well at least for me, cause I tried everything I've read so far online and nothing happened. The most surefire way of restoring your settings would be to uninstall all the updates that you downloaded before the changes were made. Then change your theme back to windows vista or aero. And voila! Your theme is back to normal.

Since @Mr. Fox showed an interest in these customization in a different thread and mentioned how others might also like to know, figured i'd write a little guide. Also figured this could be a combo thread for those who would like to show off their Windows specific themes/customizations and overlays etc.

A few years back Glass8+ was the goto solution to get somewhat of a aero effect on windows 10, however support for that stopped once v1909 came out and hasnt been updated since. It was only a few days ago i found out that Windowsblinds 10 from Stardock actually still gives the aero effect providing the right theme is used, despite the website stating it works on 20H2 or below. However im using LTSC 2021 which is based on 21H2, but your mileage may vary depending on which edition you use (not sure if home or pro 21H2 have any under the hood differences that might break compatibility).

Before installing that though id suggest installing Open Shell first and get that all set up, I tried installing windows blinds first and then open shell but it decided to freak out explorer requiring a restart.

I loved the ultimate extras that came with Vista, the games and dreamscene video wallpapers. Also the original windows games and even movie maker to some extent, old but gold i say. Heres both the link to the original microsoft games along with the Vista specific ulitmate games:

The last modification i did to my OS was to disable the lockscreen to give that win7/vista logon feel, however normally this results in a blurred logon background which looks awful but luckily that can be disabled while also keeping transparency enabled within the system itself. Doing this and setting the lockscreen background to a vista wallpaper gives quite a nice result i think, see for yourself:

Update: For those who want a more complete vista look (like myself) heres the Vista theme along with the custom start button needed. Ive also included a link to get the sidebar and to reactivate the quick launch toolbar.

Final Update: Thanks to a chance conversation with one of the guys who made the themes (Fytuf, who tweaked and modded them from the originals) I found out that there was two settings that i hadnt configured, which you may want to enable. Both require a reboot to work correctly. the vista screenshot above has been updated to reflect the new non acrylic blur appearance.

looks great ? as much as i liked startisback, open shell has so much customization to it that i think it was worth the switch. I did love the old Glass8 AeroGlass for 1809 but downside to that one if i remember right was it just changed the existing win10 border so they were still squared off. a theme mod was still required to get that classic 7/vista style. Least with windowsblinds its an all in one solution which cuts down on the running processes

ah fair enough, i personally love the rounded edges. I decided to go full vista effect for the time being, i rather like how it looks with the frosted glass effect. Ive updated the guide further for those who also want this effect, quick launch and sidebar and all ?

ive made a final update to the post, turns out Fytuf (the guy who refined both the win7 and vista themes) made me aware of two settings that further make the themes more authentic looking. Ive put them at the very bottom of the post.

ok now this is the final update i hope, did some tweaking to make things look more vista authentic and also changed the dreamscene software in the original post. Found a better alternative in the form of Lively Wallpaper, which not only is free and open source but supports simply dragging and dropping any video file in and away you go. It uses mpv which means for my use case (optimus laptop) i can tell it which gpu to run on.

also thank you for providing more classic wallpapers ? wasnt as fond of the 7 ones as i was of vista. Whats amusing is i found out recently that someone is working on an Extended Kernel for vista, to make it run modern apps that work with 7 etc. Its pretty intriguing but since i need dx12 for gaming and whatnot, the best route for me was to mod LTSC 2021 lol

yeah the numbers dont lie for sure, i guess since i dont go heavy into benchmarking and mostly use my machine as a multi media/gaming machine i havent noticed too much. ideally if microsoft didnt put roadblocks in the way in regards to locking off certain games to higher versions of 10/11 i would just go back to windows 7 and have done with it. once all the games i play which have anti cheat are working with linux ill switch to that

One thing to look into is the QWindowsVistaStyle class. I noticed that when I compiled my program in MSYS2, I had to add -luxtheme because that class referred to some functions from there, like GetThemeColor. Those functions are only available in Windows Vista and later. When I cross-compiled using my own Qt on Linux, I didn't need that library, so perhaps that class was somehow disabled in my build.

Qt-based GUIs will automatically select the default theme depending on your OS. If you want to override it, you are looking for QApplication's setStyle method, which lets you define the style used for your application, regardless of the OS it runs on.

EDIT: This answer targets situations where the OS is correctly detected by Qt configuration step, and you just want to change the theme used. In the situation described, the incorrect theme was selected, which is fixed in OP's answer.

If you look in the src/widgets/configure.json file from Qt 5.8.0, you can see that it checks for the existence of uxtheme.h, and that uxtheme.h is a precondition for compiling the windowsxp style, which is a precondition for compiling the windowsvista style. By looking in Qt's config.log, I saw that the uxtheme.h test failed. I am not sure why, but it's probably because uxtheme.h cannot be included on its own; you need to include windows.h beforehand. I verified that the windowsxp and windowsvista styles were indeed not enabled by looking in the src/widgets/qtwidgets-config.pri file after configuring Qt. It has a list of styles that are going to get compiled, and windowsvista is not the list.

I tried adding the -style-windowsxp -style-windowsvista options to Qt's configure command, but those options just cause errors because the uxtheme.h test is failing and it is a prerequisite for compiling those themes.

I had this same issue when upgrading from a static Qt 5.6.3 to static 5.12.0. I solved it after I tried to manually set the "windowsvista" style with QApplication::setStyle() and noticed that it returned null when debugging. It turns out in 5.12.0 the windowsvista style is its own separate plugin and you need to link against plugins/styles/qwindowsvistastyle.lib and add Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsVistaStylePlugin) to the cpp file containing your main function. After that there is no need to manually set the style, it is chosen automatically.

Windows Vista was the first Windows version I used. Had it on an old compaq machine. Does anyone know of a theme that looks like Vista? I've tried looking on here. I saw Vista Plus but that's a completely different custom theme on it's own.

To my knowledge, there are none. That's kind of the idea of using Windowblinds themes to NOT look like native Windows, and I would assume no-one saw any point in making a theme looking like a relatively new version of Windows that most people disliked. Just wait until it's not around anymore, then the retro Vista themes will pop up for sure.

JanOscarreply 1

To my knowledge, there are none. That's kind of the idea of using Windowblinds themes to NOT look like native Windows, and I would assume no-one saw any point in making a theme looking like a relatively new version of Windows that most people disliked. Just wait until it's not around anymore, then the retro Vista themes will pop up for sure.

Just so you know, you aren't the only one. I use plenty of other cool Windows Blinds from Wincustomize, but sometimes I just want my computer to remind me of nostalgia. The whole reason I'm seeing this post is because I was looking for a Vista theme and couldn't find one.

Now if you logon, everything should be good to go. This is the only way i have been able to get it to work. When you are in the post image apply stage, and give the PC a name, you are prompted to select a wallpaper as well. This selected negates you themed wallpaper to whatever you selected. If you find a better way of doing this, please share!!! 0852c4b9a8

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