To get a theme, expand one of the categories below, select a link for the theme, and then select Open. This saves the theme to your PC and puts it on your desktop. See Personalize your PC to learn more.

A theme is a combination of desktop background pictures, window colors, and sounds. To get a theme, expand one of the categories below, select a link for the theme, and then select Open. This saves the theme to your PC and puts it on your desktop. See Personalize your PC to learn more.

Windows 7 Theme For Windows 7 Free Download

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Windows theme is the default theme now. It can be customised in Preferences > Themes. There you can change back to what used to be Mac theme (now called Minimal), or customise the layout and make your own version.

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 07.39.191123890 101 KB

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 07.38.501034966 79.3 KB

I have a high contrast theme in Windows 10. White text, gray background. Pretty much identical to the screenshot that Hunam posted. Windows 10 theme management is trash, but the high contrast setting is mandatory for certain window elements to have custom colors.

The fact that it overrides colors in web browsers is an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. Websites are designed with specific color themes to give their own contrast to different elements on the page (borders, links, buttons, interactive elements, mouseover highlights, text boxes, etc).

Since you can execute theme files, you can add the file to run at startup in the registry or also by adding it to the startup folder I think. I have my theme in a read-only folder on the network and added a startup key on the machine. One drawback of using a startup key is that if you look at the startup list in task manager it shows up as "Program" and if there is more than one you can't tell which is which.

The problem with applying a theme to an existing user profile is that the registry key for setting the theme is per user. There is no computer level theme setting as far as I can tell. The user level setting is set with CurrentTheme under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes. Changing the path doesn't seem to change the theme though.

I never found a better solution so I'm using the GPO to apply theme to new user sign-in. For some reason it is not applying all of the settings included in the theme. The slideshow duration is set to 6 hours but new users are set for 30 minutes. I may just add running the theme file to a new user setup script we have and apply it manually for good measure. Another option is a login script you can apply to all users for a time then remove. Or add a logon script to change a system variable when it's applied or check the registry to see if it's applied. There are lots of hacky solutions but nothing provided by Microsoft for existing users unfortunately.

Contrast themes use a small palette of colors (with a contrast ratio of at least 7:1) to help make elements in the UI easier to see, reduce eye strain, improve text readability, and accommodate user preferences.

Don't confuse contrast themes with light and dark themes, which support a much larger color palette and don't necessarily increase contrast or make things easier to see. For more on light and dark themes, see Color.

You can also press the left-Alt key + Shift key + Print screen (PrtScn on some keyboards) to quickly turn contrast themes on or off. If you have not selected a theme previously, the Aquatic theme is used by default (shown in the following image).

You can programmatically check if the current theme is a contrast theme through the AccessibilitySettings class (you must call the AccessibilitySettings constructor from a scope where the app is initialized and is already displaying content).

A ResourceDictionary.ThemeDictionaries object can indicate theme colors that are different from the system-defined colors by specifying brushes for the Default (Dark), Light, and HighContrast contrast themes.

On the Settings > Ease of access > Contrast themes page (shown in the following image), users can select from four default contrast themes: Aquatic, Desert, Dusk, and Night sky.

This table shows the contrast theme colors and their recommended pairings. Each SystemColor resource is a variable that automatically updates the color when the user switches contrast themes.

We use {ThemeResource} twice in the preceding example, once to reference SystemColorWindowColor and again to reference BrandedPageBackgroundBrush. Both are required for your app to theme correctly at run time. This is a good time to test out the functionality in your app. The Grid background will automatically update as you switch to a high contrast theme. It will also update when switching between different high contrast themes.

Platform controls provide built-in support for contrast themes, but you should be careful when customizing your application UI. Two of the most common issues occur when either the color of an element is hard-coded or an incorrect SystemColor resource is used.

In the following code snippet, we show a Grid element declared with a background color set to #E6E6E6 (a very light grey). If you hard-code the color in this way, you also override the background color across all themes. For example, if the user selects the Aquatic contrast theme, instead of white text on a near black background, the text color in this app changes to white while the background remains light grey. The very low contrast between text and background could make this app very difficult to use.

Instead, we recommend using the {ThemeResource} markup extension to reference a color in the ThemeDictionaries collection of a ResourceDictionary. This enables the automatic substitution of colors and brushes based on the user's current theme.

Pages, panes, popups, and bars should all use SystemColorWindowColor for their background. Add a contrast theme-only border only where necessary to preserve important boundaries in your UI.

In contrast themes, items in a ListView have their background set to SystemColorHighlightColor when the user hovers over, presses, or selects them. A common issue with complex list items occurs when the content of the list item fails to invert its color, making the items impossible to read.

In page view, I am trying to replicate the Dark Mode mac theme but on Windows 10. Particularly, I am trying to set the background to become dark, however when I do so, it changes both the background and the editor color itself - which I would prefer the classic black text on a white page.

Out of hate for modern zoomed in interfaces mostly and Obsidian also felt artificially slow. I learned Obsidian could be themed to anything. 98-XP had most straight forward UX where buttons do look like buttons. Now days everything is a BIG ICON.

So thats why i made this

Just wanted to say this is a very usable theme. Most other themes blur the line between the UI and the content.

This theme is the only one so far that makes the distinction very clear.

I encourage people to try it as their daily (despite how jarring it initially looks).

Note that all the changes others have suggested that involve editing the system file /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/apps/unity.css can be done without such editing. Instead, just put the desired changes in your own file (that you create), ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css , which will take precedence over the system file.

Building on Anders' answer, if you want a nice, subtle dark line instead of the default ugly bright/gradient line (just because you can use a gradient doesn't mean you should, Ubuntu!), edit /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/apps/unity.css like so:

Gtk3 appears to take the name of the theme by the name of the directory. So it might be better to copy /usr/share/themes/Ambiance to a different name such as /usr/share/themes/MyAmbiance and create your personalize theme there.

With everything configured, and within WSL on the command line, you should be able to just run composer install and yarn in your theme directory to install all dependencies, then yarn dev or yarn build for development/building assets.

An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 133 of the file /www/kinsta/public/mytheme/wp-content/themes/mythemename/vendor/roots/acorn/src/Roots/Acorn/Assets/Manager.php. Error message: Uncaught Roots\Acorn\Assets\Contracts\ManifestNotFoundException: The manifest [/www/kinsta/public/mytheme/wp-content/themes/mythemename/public/manifest.json] cannot be found. in /www/kinsta/public/mytheme/wp-content/themes/mythemename/vendor/roots/acorn/src/Roots/Acorn/Assets/Manager.php:133

Do you know how much developers are there who are using Sage 10 with WSL? It feels lot of hassle for Win users now with Bud. And cant really find a good step by step tutorial how to set up sage 10 on windows.

There are some links on the Internet that seem to suggest that a dark theme is available for source tree on Windows. The latest information that I can find from the official blog of sorcery suggests that a dark theme was available for Mac OS in July 2017.


If source tree does not have a dark theme, can you please suggest any other get a client that may have a dark theme. May be a third party that is not your direct competitors

Thank you for any inputs


We have not yet released the dark theme for Windows, although it is being actively developed and has been put out for alpha testing. We are expecting to release it as part of v3.2 during this quarter.

Thank you for your useful response. Can you please advise where did you get the 3.2.4 version? On the website of source tree, I am still getting 3.1.3 version. There is a link to 3.2 version in the i archive sections but I am not sure if it is supported. We do not want to get into a situation where we get the dark theme but have bugs in the basic functionality. 0852c4b9a8

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