I tried using Thumbcache Viewer to view all of the .db files located at this directory: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer,but those files only seemed to contain caches for image files (pngs and jpgs), folder previews, or application icons. I was not able to find any of the taskbar previews in any of the files in the following list:

Since an application can change the taskbar icon. and caption, while running, I don't think Windows caches them. For example, below, note that the icon for MPC-HC changes according to the application state: paused or running.

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The taskbar starts with the following links: Start, Search, and Task View, plus four additional Windows-provided links: Mail, Edge, File Explorer, and Store. These pins cannot be removed or replaced.

For left-to-right languages, the taskbar icons are ordered from left to right (Start, Search, Task View, Windows-provided Pins, OEM-provided pins, Mail).For right-to-left languages, the taskbar icons are in the opposite order, with the right-most element being Start.

The other shortcut files, apps, and the Taskbar Layout Modification file itself can be changed at any time through regular imaging techniques. You can add this registry key to all your images, even if you intend to add taskbar links using the Classic Unattend method.

Image drawing - The images that I get from the window icons are being drawn in black and white. I modified the code in getImageForWindow from this answer by McDowell (Thanks!). Is there a better way to convert HICON objects to java.awt.Image? I notice there's a method called 'fromNative' in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.W32API.HICON but I can't figure out how to use it.

Getting the icons - The call I use to get an icon handle, GetClassLongW(hWnd, GCL_HICON), doesn't return icons from 64bit windows. I think I need GetClassLongPtr for that but I can't seem to access it via JNA.

Getting the correct window list, as per the Alt-tab popup - I tried to replicate what is done in this C++ answer but I couldn't manage to get the 2nd (GetAncestor, etc) and 3rd (STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE) checks implemented in Java. I'm using a poor substitute which is to exclude windows where the title is blank (which ignores some legitimate windows).

I have built images for our computers using MDT and pxe boot. I am trying to customize the layout of the start menu and taskbar in Windows 10 using provisioning packages but am unable to get it to work. I cannot use GPO to do this and the customized menu and taskbar as to be the same for every user that logs into the computer. Here is a link to the article I am using to reference. If anyone has any ideas on this process that would be helpful. I am running into an error when I try to install the provisioning package on the computer I am using to build the image. The error states "Provisioning Failure". Reported error code is 0x800710d2

Jose, thank you for the response. I have customized the start layout the way I want it and then exported it. I then move the layoutmodification.xml file to the c:\users\default\appdata\local\mircosoft\windows\shell directory. However after logging in on the machine as a different user there is no change to that users start menu. It's the normal unchanged windows default. Any ideas?

Thank you for your help! We are getting close. 2 things.....1) I am having trouble with the import-startlayout command. See image. 2) I just placed the layoutmod in the folder and it worked sort of. My start menu is exactly the way I want it. However the taskbar is still showing Edge and the Store which I had removed. It should only show File Explorer and IE. Again see image.

2) I just placed the layoutmod in the folder and it worked sort of. My start menu is exactly the way I want it. However the taskbar is still showing Edge and the Store which I had removed. It should only show File Explorer and IE. Again see image.

I suspect that the image is not handled as a resource and not getting into your Jar file. Can you verify if it is there? (You can do that by Total Commander for example by pressing Ctrl+PgDown to go into the archive).

Another reason might be that NetBeans using a different run configuration and classpath. Where is your image? If it is in the package root (i.e., the folder which contains your top-level package), you can probably access it somehow like: ImageIO.read(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sicadcam.png")).

The new update (as of Jan 13th) brought in more chrome account features, but why is my account picture showing up in the windows taskbar icon? Even worse, it seems to do it when I go incognito and shouldn't be logged in at all.

So far it doesn't seem to show up 'normally', but when I have no incognito tabs open it appears after right clicking the chrome icon in the taskbar and selecting "New incognito window". If I have a normal window open, it shows my picture. If I don't have any chrome windows open, it shows a place-holder picture that isn't mine.

I bought this Y27G re-furbed and couldn't be happier, the other day I tried a windows theme (gd it) and since aero themes seem to not work at all on my pc (i53450s gtx1050ti 16gbram) I removed it. Since then I noticed a ghost image of a windows 10 taskbar, maybe it has been there or maybe the theme installed something? Scanned and Ccleaned but it is still there, thinking it is burned in. Its just weird i didn't notice till now and there is also a ghost box about 70% of the screen in the center that looks like the ghost taskbar... Thanks everyone

Temporary image retention isnt unheared of, but again rare. Certain full color videos can help reduce or remove it. Depending on the panel type you'd want to use a bright neutral color liike a light grey, or a darker richer color.

As you can see from the above pic, there are some unrecognized icons showing in the windows 11 taskbar. There are two apps that do not have recognizable icons one was Edge app and the other one was the Chrome app.

Look closely to see whether the tool accurately isolated your target image from the background. Some adjustments may be necessary. Use the Add and Remove options to change what areas are isolated by the tool. (To mark an area that you want to keep or remove, trace its outline or use brush strokes.)

Neither does it show Bridge if you try to - [Associate a File type or protocol with a program]. And "Associate..." would mean selecting each image file type and setting the default- and then "Open-with" would be needed to open in Photoshop!

What's the best camera for travel? Good travel cameras should be small, versatile, and offer good image quality. In this buying guide we've rounded-up several great cameras for travel and recommended the best.

When viewing other content that does not need overscan, such as games or the Windows desktop, some of the image might be cut off. For example, the Windows taskbar may appear off-screen and not be completely visible.

When changing the setting, look for the edge of the desktop to line up exactly with, or just inside, the edge of the viewable area of the display. All edges of the taskbar, for example, should be completely visible.

Both main windows (created via the tk.Tk class) and child windows (tk.Toplevel) have the Tcl/Tk logo icon by default. Setting custom window icons will give our application a more professional look. A window icon is also often displayed by the operating system on the taskbar or application bar. In this post we will see the various ways for configuring window icons on the different platforms supported by Tk (Windows, Linux and Mac).

The iconmask() function has the goal of allowing transparent areas in our window icon. However, the various image formats (PNG, GIF, JPG, etc.) and icon formats (especially .ico) have long supported transparency. Therefore, in most cases iconmask() is unnecessary. If we have our application icon in an image file, the easiest way to load it into the window is via iconphoto():

The code is simple: we load an image file via the tk.PhotoImage class and then assign it as the window icon via the iconphoto() method. The first argument is a boolean indicating whether that same icon should be applied to child windows. This procedure of loading the window icon from an image file is supported by all operating systems.

In addition to being displayed on the window, the icon is also often displayed on the task or application bar. Generally, the proper size for the window icon is 16x16 pixels. We'll call this image the "small icon." Instead, a "large icon" is displayed on the taskbar, which in Windows is usually a 32x32 image. These values may change, however, according to the display settings of each system. Since we have loaded a small icon, we will see that the operating system automatically enlarges the 16x16 image on the taskbar, producing a pixelated effect:

If we load a large icon instead of a small icon, it will look fine on the taskbar, but still pixelated on the window or title bar. Fortunately, the iconphoto() method can receive two icons of different sizes (a small and a large one) to display properly in one case and the other:

Note that we have changed the first argument of iconphoto() from True to False, since, for some unknown reason (perhaps a Tk bug), if the first argument is True, in Windows the small icon is ignored and the large one is shown both in the window and in the taskbar. Similarly, some operating systems consider only the large icon (and there's really nothing we can do to change this). 2351a5e196

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