Your DllMain function runs inside the loader lock, one of the few times the OS lets you run code while one of its internal locks is held. This means that you must be extra careful not to violate a lock hierarchy in your DllMain; otherwise, you are asking for a deadlock.

The loader lock is taken by any function that needs to access the list of DLLs loaded into the process. This includes functions like GetModuleHandle and GetModuleFileName. If your DllMain enters a critical section or waits on a synchronization object, and that critical section or synchronization object is owned by some code that is in turn waiting for the loader lock, you just created a deadlock:

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Loader refers to the OS (module) loader.Loader Lock is a system lock used by the loader to synchronize calls to DllMain.This way, the loader ensures that initialization / cleanup tasks required by DLLs are performed in a thread-safe manner.

(...) the operating system has its own internal process-specific lock that sometimes is held while your code executes. This lock is acquired when DLLs are loaded into the process, and is therefore called the 'loader lock.' The DllMain function always executes under the loader lock; (...)

I am relatively new to ubuntu and just installed 12.04.2 on my machine alongside the pre-installed windows 8. I created a new ext4 partition near the beginning of my disk, ran boot-repair from a live session and told it to set this new partition as the boot point and the windows efi partition as the efi boot. Now when I boot my computer, it only starts into windows. If I enter into the boot manager during startup (F9), my boot options are: OS boot Manager (loads windows),Ubuntu (loads GRUB with a choice of ubuntu or windows),Boot from EFI File,Notebook Hard Drive.

This procedure applies an ugly hack of a solution for the ugly problem of a broken EFI: It renames the Windows boot loader file and puts a copy of GRUB in its place. That way, the broken EFI will launch GRUB, thinking it's the Windows boot loader. Boot Repair will also adjust GRUB configuration to launch Windows from its new name. It's possible to do this manually; Boot Repair just makes it easier to do it.

If you use your command line for efibootmgr, it leaves the Windows bootloader in first place. Simply switch the numbers at the end of your command line for a cleaner fix, for example sudo efibootmgr -o 2,1.

I hav a Dell inspiron 3000 working on windows 10. I recently installed ubuntu 16.04. The problem is that now when I boot Grub boot loader gives the options and I'm not very fond of it. I would like the windows boot loader (the GUI). Pls help me with the steps to do so

If you are not fond of grub than you can try BURG. It has better GUI than the windows boot loader (Trust me on this one). You can select different themes for that as well. Also if you have dual booted your system then you can remove other options from the options screen and set just two options i.e WINDOWS and LINUX. To know how to install BURG here is the link :How to install BURG on Ubuntu 16.04

What bugs me is the Windows 7 loader. /dev/sda indeed had Windows 7 on it previously. However, my goal was to complete erase that. During install, I deleted the partition table and created two partitions on each drive for RAID 1. So now I got:

No, Windows Loader is entirely safe and secure for us. Theree is no virut. Before uploading her,e I also checked it using the Antivirus tool for any malicious codes. However, it will still show you as a virus because these tools are blacklisted. In this way, if you are going to use I,t, then make sure to disable any antivirus or windows defender.

DisplayCAL (argyllcms) LUT loader can load calibration data to LUT at the highest precision available for that HW, so a video card with more that 8bit/entry LUTs and dithering at its output can show smooth gradients like a display with internal HW calibration.

How are you setting your EFI variables? I was having a similar issue and was blaming it on Windows. I had been using efibootmgr to set my variables, and all would be fine until I booted Windows, and it would change. I later configured it using the firmware setup tools for my HP Envy (often mistakenly called BIOS set up) and I have not had any problems with it reverting. I am wondering if there is something about how the variables are configured by efibootmgr that Windows does not like causing Windows to take initiative and "fix" it. Conversely, perhaps the firmware tools intrinsic to the laptop set the variables to Windows liking. As I almost never boot to Windows, I really don't care much. Also, I do not use a boot loader -- I just use the efistub capability of the kernel. Windows will exist on my laptop until the day after the laptop warranty expires.

So but it turns out that when I "uninstalled" the Windows partition, something didn't quite update in the boot loader (I'm kind of fuzzy on my knowledge of the difference between a boot loader and a boot manager, so I might be using these terms incorrectly). When I start up my Mac holding down option, I get the following...

In the end, I gave up on actually removing the entries from wherever they're stored on the bootloader. Instead, I just installed rEFInd and manually removed the entries from the bootloader. I chose to go this route because after installing Xubuntu, this was the only way that my mac could find the xubuntu bootup file and also rEFInd has a feature where you can specify which entries you want to display and which you don't.

I want to know does windows 10 come with any bootloader so that I can boot from Linux using that boot loader? I have made a system rescue drive in case something goes wrong. Also, I know that if in UEFI or EFI bios Fast boot or secured boot option is ticked on then I cannot boot from Debian. is a website to download applications, tips, software: windows, android, ios, webs diversity to everyone is completely free. We always strive to bring the best products to our users. Hope everyone will like and support the Website to grow.

I went through all of these steps however windows kept reenabling / booting first. I finally fixed it by enabling secure boot, which then allowed me to select my own "trusted" efi file in my bios (I selected grub). This then appeared in my boot order which I then put to the top and then turned off secure boot. Grub now loads first every time.This was on an acer with UEFI, GPT drives trying to dual boot Parrot OS and Win 10.

I was also facing the same issues, I have the hp envy 15-DR1XXX and I found out that the os boot manager from the list of boot devices was prioritizing the windows boot manager before the Linux one "fedora workstation". This is what I did.

Once in the Set UEFI BIOS boot entries dialog (2nd pic in tutorial) either move your grub bootloader to the top of the list, or if Windows deleted it just add a new entry, go, navigate to the EFI partition, and then the grub folder and select the grub file. Click 'Save entry' and move it to the top of the list.

The Show loader snaps flag captures detailed information about the loading and unloading of executable images and their supporting library modules and displays the data in the kernel debugger console.

I have read that the PE loader is responsible for loading executable images from disk. When and where is the control flow exactly transferred to the loader? The PE format is well documented but there seems to be a little info regarding the functioning of the loader itself.

The PE loader is exposed by a set of user APIs in kernel32.dll, under the CreateProcess family. There are different APIs for doing different things, e.g. running a process under an alternative security context.

The tricky part with your question is that the "loader" isn't really something that gets control flow. The instant you call CreateProcess, you're technically running the loader. However, the kernel part of the loader begins when ntdll!NtCreateUserProcess transitions into kernel-mode. If we're really strict about it, we might say that the first part of the loader is PspAllocateProcess, since that's what allocates the initial structures.

In the book Mastering Malware Analysis: The complete malware analyst's guide to combating malicious software, APT, cybercrime, and IoT attacks [Alexey Kleymenov, Amr Thabet], there're 2 sections in chapter 2 called "Process loading step by step" and "PE file loading step by step" which document how the Windows PE loader is loaded and how it works.

Below is a screenshot of one such file. This file, however, has no DOS stub at all and the DOS header data structures are all set to 0 except for e_lfanew which does point to a PE sig. However, the Windows loader says it's not a valid Win32 app at least on my version of Win7 64bit.

I do know that the loader essentially reads the data structures and from that, it does things such as allocate stack and heap memory, determine which symbols are needed and from which DLL files, as well as a few other tasks. So my assumption based off of that would be that if for example, one of these header data structures told the loader to do something that made no sense such as allocate negative space, too much space, or contained nonsense in a structure that was critical for the loader to work, it could crash it. However, this is just speculation on my part.

There are many ways in which the loader can fail to load a seemingly valid file. There are differences in rules for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, for example. The most obvious of those is the minimum file size.

We will deal with two primary aspects of exports: names, and ordinals. First, it is important to note that while every export has an ordinal, not every export has a name. Additionally, unless specified, export names are often subject to name mangling based on factors such as calling convention, whether or not the C++ compiler is being used (in which case, it will consider things such as namespace and class membership as well). Occasionally, you will also see exports that are forwarded to another DLL. This means that the function we are looking for does not actually reside in the current library, but is simply referenced as an export. In that case, we will need to load the referenced DLL, and attempt to locate the method named as the target within its exports.

This is not something we need to be extremely concerned with for the purposes of building a loader (as we are mostly relying on GetProcAddress to handle this for us), but it is still worth at least being aware of.

As with imports, we can view exports with the dumpbin utility: 0852c4b9a8

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