I have a Win 7/11.10 dual boot system with Grub 2 as the default bootloader. However, I want to make Windows bootloader the default bootloader (grub 'dos' like interface scrares the hell out of my sister) so when I start the PC I will have the following boot options:1. Windows 72. Ubuntu

Why has nobody mentioned Clover EFI bootloader? I got 5 OSs to boot, always the choice that I want to boot Windows 10, macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave, Linux, Ubuntu 19.04 and last but not least Phoenix OS aka Android OS distributed over one hard drive.

Windows 7 Bootloader Download

Download File 🔥 https://shurll.com/2y2MhA 🔥

The other answers given here work great on MBR/BIOS systems, however if you're on a UEFI system like I am, bootsect will just write a semi-functional boot MBR over the GPT protective MBR and bootrec just gives an "Access denied" error message, and neither one has a functional option to fix a broken EFI system partition, which on a UEFI/GPT drive is what contains the bootloader that used to be stored in the MBR. There's unfortunately almost no up-to-date guides on fixing the UEFI Windows Boot Manager (almost all of them just say to run the graphical Startup Repair utility, but that doesn't fix the problem in all cases), but I finally found the correct solution buried in this article, which requires the use of the bcdboot command instead:

(Optional) If you are not currently dual booting and want to fully clean the ESP before writing a new bootloader, run format N: /FS:FAT32 to reformat it as FAT32. This is probably not necessary under normal circumstances, however, as bcdboot seems to do a good job of cleaning things up itself. Especially do not do this if you have a Linux distro on another partition or else you'll have to reinstall GRUB as well once you're done with this. Also note that the following steps should not affect an EFI GRUB install as long as you do not otherwise delete GRUB's existing directory on the ESP.

Finally, write the new bootloader to the partition with bcdboot C:\windows /s N: /f UEFI. This command rebuilds a new UEFI-compatible bootloader on the ESP mounted at N: using the Windows installation mounted at C:\windows. Once it's done, you can verify the new bootloader was written by running dir N:\EFI, where you should see a Microsoft directory containing the new Windows Boot Manager as well as a boot directory containing the fallback bootloader (along with other directories for any other bootloaders you have installed, such as GRUB for Linux).

I'm trying to install a dual boot arch / windows on a fresh new SSD. 

Windows was just installed earlier today, in UEFI mode. 

I'm about to finish my arch install, but I'm stuck while trying to install my bootloader : it won't detect Windows.

After a bit of investigation : 

- it seems to be os-prober that doesn't detect my windows. I ran os-prober on my desktop (which dual boots both OSs for several years) and got an output 

- I can find the windows bootmgfw.efi in

just fine. Which means that my partition is mounted (most other similar problems I've seen revolved around that) 

- Some posts I've found recommended trying rEFInd in place of GRUB, which I did. It didn't seem to find my windows either (though I'm new to rEFInd - maybe I wasn't looking in the right place).

I have a laptop with OEM Windows 10 UEFI installed. I don't really understand how the UEFI boot process works, so that's part of my issue. What I would like to do is install Ubuntu (preferably on a secondary drive) and have the boot option added to the existing windows bootloader. I'm scared to try anything for fear of accidentally overwriting the windows bootloader with the GRUB one from Ubuntu (which is what happened on legacy BIOS versions of Ubuntu).

I don't understand why do you want to use the Windows bootloader instead of GRUB: if you want a dual booting system, GRUB is the way to go. However, if your only concern is messing up Windows, and if you prefer to use a secondary disk for Ubuntu anyway, just install Ubuntu on a secondary drive and use GRUB installed on that secondary drive. There should be no danger of touching the Windows bootloader on your primary hard disk. Assuming that your laptop does have an empty slot for a secondary hard drive/disk, just do this:

The Windows Boot Manager (BOOTMGR) is the bootloader provided by Microsoft for Windows NT versions starting with Windows Vista. It is the first program launched by the BIOS or UEFI of the computer and is responsible for loading the rest of Windows.[1] It replaced the NTLDR present in older versions of Windows.

If the computer has recently hibernated, then bootmgr will instead invoke winresume.exe. In UEFI systems, the file is called winresume.efi and is always located at \windows\system32 or \windows\system32\boot.[4]

While doing anarch install, on a windows system, i didn't really now what I was doing. Now I only have the regular windows partition and a working arch install. Could someone maybe point me in the right direction how to reinstall a windows bootloader and embedd it in grub next to arch?

In case the installation of the bootloader fails again, I suggest you reinstall the system with Grub bootloader and all and if it fails again post the installation log on the forum. It might give us some more clues.

Tried to install system again including grub bootloader, and same thing happens arround 82% (installing bootloader) system freezes. So I cannot do anything except rebooting. So I guess the log files dissapear when i reboot the live iso. Or are they stored in another place?

I want to know does windows 10 come with any bootloader so that I can boot from Linux using that boot loader? I have made a system rescue drive in case something goes wrong. Also, I know that if in UEFI or EFI bios Fast boot or secured boot option is ticked on then I cannot boot from Debian.

thanks a lot! getting closer and closer The Grub menu appears when I boot Fedora in Bios but if I turn on the laptop it will start windows directly. Is it something I need to configure in Windows so it recognizes a dual boot?

Where you able to upload a new firmware on your board? I'm asking this because I notice that the burner icon is grayed as it was in my case at the beginning. Also loading an hex file to burn, it didn't turn active. What I made next was to try a flash erase (red x) and this command worked but then the problem arise. The software recognized the unit as a TUSB926x bootloader device but it was not possible to upload anymore the boot loader or a firmware on the device.

I can only boot up windows at the moment though. What I tried to get a terminal up was, I tried burning the iso onto a usb but the options there is only rescue mode (which seems to just shut off my display) and reinstallation which would be a last resort. Would you know where I can get the live usb version of openSuse? (I had followed the steps here :Live_USB_stick)

In the end, I gave up on actually removing the entries from wherever they're stored on the bootloader. Instead, I just installed rEFInd and manually removed the entries from the bootloader. I chose to go this route because after installing Xubuntu, this was the only way that my mac could find the xubuntu bootup file and also rEFInd has a feature where you can specify which entries you want to display and which you don't.

Okay, let's explain this first. I have a retro PC for Windows XP, well, 'retro' in that it is an i3 3250 w/ Radeon HD 7850, I use it for both Windows XP for classic games and Windows 10 for modern source ports of classic games when I want the emotional happy feel feels of playing that game on a 20yo keyboard and 4:3 monitor, even if my modern 3950X PC could run it all the same. Anyway, there's two separate drives in the system, one for each OS, but since it's configured to dual boot, the boot loader drive must be visible. So if the bootloader and Windows 10 are drive #1, even while booting Windows XP which is on drive #2, it still needs drive #1 since that has the bootloader. This is causing some issues with the file systems where XP wants to check and deleting about 900 000 reparse points it finds in files. I think Win10 and WinXP are having disagreements on some things.

No idea on if this will work with Windows XP since I haven't used a computer running it in 10 years at least, but it should be possible to with Windows 10. What you'll need to do is get a 2nd USB and load a Windows 10 installer on it. Boot into the USB, click "Repair your Computer", go to Troubleshoot, Advanced options and open up command prompt. Then follow this guide for how to install the bootloader on a drive.

Quibble is a new open-source bootloader that supports booting Windows XP through Windows 10 and opens up new possibilities like booting a Windows installation off Btrfs.


Native windows boot loader is terrible compared to grub. Hopefully third party bootloaders take off.

I never got Grub2Win to work properly. Hopefully this will be a good alternative in the future.

I wonder how well Windows handles BTRFS instead of NTFS as a host FS*?

Is there a better alternative that works like compact or NTFS compression? [ that windows would recognise w/ this functionality?]

Hello! I am trying to install Zorin OS in dual boot with windows. This is not the first time I try this (tried with other distros), but zorin is asking me for the bootloader location. Now, I have no clue what to select. Reading online I figured that it depends if my computer has BIOS or uefi, mine has uefi but other than this I couldn't figure out more.

I tried to use the first option, the one with the lowest number, in my case it is dev/sda (with no numbers), but the bios doesn't even recognize Zorin as being installed, so not only grub isn't there but zorin in general and I don't really want to try each option because I don't want to mess up with my windows installation ff782bc1db

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