
"Waking up" (another way to describe enlightenment) is often described as the process of clearing the dust from the mirror of our true selves, essential wisdom and unshakeable peace. To support us in this effort, Thích Nhất Hạnh (or Thay, which means teacher in Vietnamese) encourages us to cultivate a regular meditation practice, be an active member of a Sangha, and study the Dharma ( the teachings of the Buddha, and also the wisdom that can be gleaned simply by paying attention to the world around us). This builds our capacity to respond mindfully and compassionately to any situation we may encounter.

Following are a number of resources to help you along your path.

Our Sangha

Spirituality centers around Buddha for many in Iowa (January 17, 2017 Little Village article)

Our Tradition

About Thich Nhat Hanh

About Plum Village

Dharma Talks

The Mindfulness Bell (Plum Village magazine)

Other Regional Sanghas in the Plum Village Tradition

Prairie River Sangha (Davenport)

Snowflower Sangha (Madison)

Lakeside Buddha Sangha (Evanston, Illinois), home Sangha of Dharma teacher Jack Lawlor

Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

Sitting Meditation

Walking Meditation

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Remembrances

The Contemplations Before Eating

"My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand." Thích Nhất Hạnh, from the Five Remembrances.